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Impact Framework Github Plugin


The Github plugin retrieves the count of clones and the size of a given repository using the GitHub API.


The Github plugin fetches the clones and size of the specified repository from the GitHub API for each entry in a manifest's input data.

  • The timestamp and duration fields in the input data are used to filter the clone data. The relevant endpoint is documented here.
  • The GitHub API provides traffic clones data for the last two weeks only.
  • To get the size of the repository, the plugin uses this endpoint.


The GitHub API requires a GitHub personal access token to access repository data. More details can be found here. The Github plugin requires the personal access token to be set in the environment variable file with the name GITHUB_TOKEN.


To run the Github plugin, an instance of ExecutePlugin must be created. Then, the plugin's execute() method can be called, passing required arguments to it.

This is how you could run the model in Typescript:

async function runPlugin() {
  const config = {
    repo: 'Green-Software-Foundation/if',
  const parametersMetada = { inputs: {}, outputs: {} };
  const github = Github(config, parametersMetdata, {});
  const usage = await github.execute([
      timestamp: '2024-07-05T00:00',
      duration: 126000,




  • repo: (required) specifies the name of the organization (or owner) and repository name, combined with /, e.g. Green-Software-Foundation/if

Input Parameters

  • timestamp: (required) specifies the start of the time range for retrieving data from the GitHub API. Note that the GitHub API provides data only for last two weeks, so the timestamp should be no earlier than 2 weeks ago.
  • duration: (required) specifies the end of the time range for retrieving data from the API. It can be either number or string like 14 * 24 * 60 * 60.


The mapping block is an optional block. It is added in the plugin section and allows the plugin to map the output parameters of the plugin. The structure of the mapping block is:

  path: if-github-plugin
  method: Github
    'size': 'repo-size-if'
    'clones': 'repo-clones-if'


  • size: output the size of the given repository, represented in GB.
  • clones: output the clones count of the given repository in the specified time range.

Error Handling

The plugin can throw the following errors:

  • APIRequestError: caused by a problem retrieving data from the API. The error message returned from the API is echoed in the IF error message.
  • AuthorizationError: occurs when either the GITHUB_TOKEN is not provided in the environment variables or the GITHUB_TOKEN is invalid.

Integration into Impact Framework

Clone this repository to your local machine to play with a local copy. In the project root run npm run build && npm link.

This creates a package with global scope on your local machine that can be installed by your instance of Impact Framework.

Navigate to the Impact Framework root, and run npm link if-github-plugin.

Now, you can use the plugin by including it in your manifest file as follows:

name: github demo
      method: Github
      path: if-github-plugin
        repo: Green-Software-Foundation/if
          - github-plugin
        - timestamp: 2024-07-05T00:00
          duration: 14 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000

Now, when you run the manifest using the IF CLI, it will load the model automatically. Run using:

if-run -m <path-to-your-manifest>


The plugin simply grabs data for a given repository from the API.

  • To calculate clones, the plugin uses traffic endpoint.
  • To get size of the repository, the plugin uses get a repository endpoint.