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An ETL tool for transforming four well-known Event-Detection datasets into a unified common schema.

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EventDetectionDataset-Unifier is mostly an ETL tool which is able to parse and transform four well-known Event-Detection datasets into a unified common schema. These four datasets are the following:

By default, the dataset will contain the Event Types of ACE. You can download the complete dataset here.

Furthermore, we would like to encourage the Event Detection Community to not only use our dataset, but also our schema and our methods in order to evaluate their models. To do so, we provide two more components that will facilitate the use of this schema. These are:

  • A Schema Validator which enable users to validate if their results follow the common schema.
  • Am Evaluator that takes as input the predictions and the ground truth, asJSON files that follows the common schema, and evaluates the results in terms of classification and identification. More details in the Evaluation section.

So we encourage users to use our data, form their predictions based on our schema, use validator to ensure about its correctness and then use the Evaluator in order to evaluate their models.

Build Instructions

First users need to download Standford's CoreNLP model. You can find more information about CoreNLP in its repository. To download it you can run:

wget -O 

Then, install requirements using:

pip install -r requirements.txt


To execute EventDetectionDataset-Unifier, users must provide some arguments. There are two types of input arguments, execution arguments and dataset related arguments.

The Execution Arguments are the following:

  • -coreNLP path/to/coreNLP_directory: Path to the directory of CoreNLP. (Required)
  • -out path/to/output.jsonlines: Path to the output. WARNING: EventDetectionDataset-Unifier opens this file in append mode, so in case it already exists, the results will be appended to its existing content. (Required)
  • -memory X: The size of heap memory to provide to coreNLP. X must be an integer. (Optional, default value is 3)
  • -timeout X: CoreNLP's timeout processing time. X must be an integer. (Optional, default value is 10s)
  • -disableMapping: Disable mapping the event types of the dataset to the ones of ACE.
  • -h: Print instructions.

The Datasets Arguments are the following:

  • -ace /path/to/ace.json: This will instantiate an AceTransformer to transform Ace dataset instances into the common schema. Reminding that the dataset must have first been pre-processed by ace2005-preprocessing

  • -emm /path/to/emm: This will instantiate an EmmTransformer to transform EMM dataset instances into the common schema. The path can point to either a JSON file or to a directory containing multiple JSON files.

  • -rams /path/to/rams: This will instantiate a RamsTransformer to transform RAMS dataset instances into the common schema.

  • -m2e2 /path/to/m2e2: This will instantiate an M2e2Transformer to transform M2E2 dataset instances into the common schema.

Users can provide multiple Dataset Arguments in order to transform multiple dataset in a single run. At least one Dataset Arguments must be provided.

Finally, to execute run something like:

$ python -m src.transform  -coreNLP path/to/coreNLP_directory -out path/to/instances.jsonlines -memory 1 -ace data/Ace.json -emm data/EMM/emm.json 


Validator is a test like component that checks the input JSON if it contains all the necessary fields and no mistakes. To use Validator run something like:

$ python -m src.validate -input path/to/instances.jsonlines

Provide -disableDetailed to disable detailed checking, this way it will only check the sentences and the events.


Evaluator takes as input two JSONs that follow the common schema. A JSON consisting of the predictions of the model, and a JSON containing the true labels (i.e., ground truth). Then evaluate the results in two ways:

  • Event Classification: prints precision, recall, F1-Score and Accuracy regarding the correctness of the predicted event types. It also plots the Confusion Matrix.
  • Trigger Identification: prints precision, recall and F1 regarding the correctness of the predicted trigger of the event.

To use Validator run something like:

$ python -m src.evaluate -predictions path/to/predictions.jsonlines -groundTruth path/to/groundTruth.jsonlines

Provide -cmPath /path/to/cm to store the confusion matrix.

Common Schema

The output will consist of JSONlines of the following schema:

    "origin": "M2E2", 
    "id": "M2E2-instance-25-VOA_EN_NW_2016.04.19.3291980_32", 
    "no-of-sentences": 1, 
    "sentences": [
            "start": 0, 
            "end": 25, 
            "text": "In Mississippi , protests greeted a law signed by Governor Phil Bryant allowing business owners in Mississippi to refuse service to same - sex couples"
    "text": "In Mississippi, protests greeted a law signed by Governor Phil Bryant allowing business owners in Mississippi to refuse service to same-sex couples", 
    "words": ["In", "Mississippi", ",", "protests", "greeted", "a", "law", "signed", "by", "Governor", "Phil", "Bryant", "allowing", "business", "owners", "in", "Mississippi", "to", "refuse", "service", "to", "same", "-", "sex", "couples"], 
    "lemma": ["in", "Mississippi", ",", "protest", "greet", "a", "law", "sign", "by", "governor", "Phil", "Bryant", "allow", "business", "owner", "in", "Mississippi", "to", "refuse", "service", "to", "same", "-", "sex", "couple"], 
    "pos-tags": ["IN", "NNP", ",", "NNS", "VBD", "DT", "NN", "VBN", "IN", "NN", "NNP", "NNP", "VBG", "NN", "NNS", "IN", "NNP", "TO", "VB", "NN", "TO", "JJ", ":", "NN", "NNS"], 
    "ner": ["O", "B-STATE_OR_PROVINCE", "O", "O", "O", "O", "O", "O", "O", "B-TITLE", "B-PERSON", "I-PERSON", "O", "O", "O", "O", "B-STATE_OR_PROVINCE", "O", "O", "O", "O", "O", "O", "O", "O"], 
    "golden-entity-mentions": [
            "entity-id": "M2E2-instance-25-VOA_EN_NW_2016.04.19.3291980_32-entity-0", 
            "start": 24, 
            "end": 25, 
            "text": "couples", 
            "entity-type": "O", 
            "existing-entity-type": "PER"
            "entity-id": "M2E2-instance-25-VOA_EN_NW_2016.04.19.3291980_32-entity-1", 
            "start": 9, 
            "end": 10, 
            "text": "Governor", 
            "entity-type": "TITLE", 
            "existing-entity-type": "PER"
            "entity-id": "M2E2-instance-25-VOA_EN_NW_2016.04.19.3291980_32-entity-2", 
            "start": 1,
            "end": 2,
            "text": "Mississippi",
            "entity-type": "STATE_OR_PROVINCE",
            "existing-entity-type": "GPE"
            "entity-id": "M2E2-instance-25-VOA_EN_NW_2016.04.19.3291980_32-entity-3", 
            "start": 16, 
            "end": 17, 
            "text": "Mississippi", 
            "entity-type": "STATE_OR_PROVINCE", 
            "existing-entity-type": "GPE"
            "entity-id": "M2E2-instance-25-VOA_EN_NW_2016.04.19.3291980_32-entity-4", 
            "start": 10, 
            "end": 12, 
            "text": "Phil Bryant", 
            "entity-type": "PERSON", 
            "existing-entity-type": "PER"
    "golden-event-mentions": [
            "arguments": [
                    "start": 16,
                    "end": 17,
                    "text": "Mississippi",
                    "role": "place",
                    "entity-type": "STATE_OR_PROVINCE",
                    "existing-entity-type": "GPE"
                    "start": 3,
                    "end": 4, 
                    "text": "protests"
             "event-type": "conflict.demonstrate.n/a"}
    "penn-treebank": [
        "(ROOT  (S  (PP (IN In)  (NP (NNP Mississippi)))  (, ,)  (NP (NNS protests))  (VP (VBD greeted)  (NP  (NP (DT a) (NN law))  (VP (VBN signed)  (PP (IN by)  (NP  (NP (NN Governor) (NNP Phil) (NNP Bryant))  (VP (VBG allowing)  (NP (NN business) (NNS owners))  (PP (IN in)  (NP (NNP Mississippi)))  (S  (VP (TO to)  (VP (VB refuse)  (NP (NN service))  (PP (TO to)  (NP (JJ same)))  (: -)  (NP (NN sex) (NNS couples)))))))))))))"
    "dependency-parsing": [
        ["ROOT/dep=4/gov=-1", "case/dep=0/gov=1", "nmod:in/dep=1/gov=4", "punct/dep=2/gov=4", "nsubj/dep=3/gov=4", "det/dep=5/gov=6", "dobj/dep=6/gov=4", "acl/dep=7/gov=6", "case/dep=8/gov=11", "compound/dep=9/gov=11", "compound/dep=10/gov=11", "nmod:by/dep=11/gov=7", "acl/dep=12/gov=11", "compound/dep=13/gov=14", "dobj/dep=14/gov=12", "nsubj:xsubj/dep=14/gov=18", "case/dep=15/gov=16", "nmod:in/dep=16/gov=12", "mark/dep=17/gov=18", "xcomp/dep=18/gov=12", "dobj/dep=19/gov=18", "case/dep=20/gov=21", "nmod:to/dep=21/gov=18", "punct/dep=22/gov=18", "compound/dep=23/gov=24", "parataxis/dep=24/gov=18"]
    "chunks": [
        [["IN", "O"], ["NNP", "B-NP"], [",", "O"], ["NNS", "B-NP"], ["VBD", "O"], ["DT", "B-NP"], ["NN", "I-NP"], ["VBN", "O"], ["IN", "O"], ["NN", "B-NP"], ["NNP", "I-NP"], ["NNP", "I-NP"], ["VBG", "O"], ["NN", "B-NP"], ["NNS", "I-NP"], ["IN", "O"], ["NNP", "B-NP"], ["TO", "O"], ["VB", "O"], ["NN", "B-NP"], ["TO", "O"], ["JJ", "B-NP"], [":", "O"], ["NN", "B-NP"], ["NNS", "I-NP"]]


An ETL tool for transforming four well-known Event-Detection datasets into a unified common schema.







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