[![david-dm][2]][1] [1]: https://david-dm.org/benediktarnold/owfs [2]: https://david-dm.org/benediktarnold/owfs.png owfs
A node.js client library to owserver Documentation & protocol specs
npm install owfs
First of all you need a connection to a running owserver:
var Client = require("owfs").Client;
var con = new Client(HOST,PORT);
or with the default port 4304
var con = new Client(HOST);
Reads a value of the specified path and passes the value to the callback.
con.read("/10.E89C8A020800/temperature", function(err, result){
Writes a value to the specified path and passes the raw owserver message to the callback.
con.write("/10.E89C8A020800/temperature",1,function(err, message){
According to OWFS message types there are several methods for directory listings. They all have the same argument list but behave a bit different.
Lists all the children of the supplied path as an array passed to the callback.
con.dir("/",function(err, directories){
con.dirall("/",function(err, directories){
con.get("/",function(err, directories){
con.dirallslash("/",function(err, directories){
con.getslash("/",function(err, directories){
We are using debug for debugging output. If you are using owfs in your app, start the debug mode like this:
DEBUG=owfs* node app.js