Example for QuotaPctBarChart class
Shows percentage quota usage for each group:
Example for UsageQuotaBarChart class
Shows disk usage and quota consumption for each group:
Example for UsagePieChart class
Shows usage pie with storage consumption of top groups:
Examples for TrendChart class
Shows trend for quota consumption of all groups:
Shows trend for disk space usage of top groups:
- lustre-group-quota-collect.py
- lustre-weekly-reports.py
- lustre-monthly-reports.py
- lustre-migration-report.py
- python36 - Python runtime
- matplotlib (3.1.1) - for plotting
- pandas (0.25.1) - for time series plots
- pip3 - installation of Python packages
- mysqlclient (1.4.4) - collecting and retrieving data from MySQL-DB
- getent - group resolution
- lfs quota - determining Lustre FS group quotas
- python36-devel
- gcc
- libmariadbclient-dev