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Lists on Books

gribbans edited this page Aug 20, 2024 · 18 revisions

A mixed platter of non-fiction books I like, that others recommended to me or the wider world.

The software developer's guide to Linux David Cohen, Christian Sturm -
An Introduction to General Systems Thinking Gerald M. Weinberg -
World Systems Analysis Immanuel Wallerstein -
Building a Story Brand Donald Miller -
Explore It Elisabeth Hendrickson Exploratory testing
Critical Thinking for Strategic Intelligence K.H. Pherson, R.H. Pherson -
Rapid Development Steve McConnell Although not considered a classic, it is full of extremely useful info.
Fluent Python Luciano Ramalho -
Team Topology Matthew Skelton, Manuel Pais -
Soft Systems Methodology in Action Peter Checkland, Jim Scholes -
Certain to Win Chet Richards On Col. Jon Boyd (OODA loop), and strategy for business
The Human Condition Hannah Arendt Vita activa vs. vita contemplativa
The Shareholder Value Myth Lynn Stout -
Code is for Humans Zohar Jackson -
Python for Everybody Charles Severance -
Working Effectively with Legacy Code Michael C Feather -
Modern Software Engineering Dave Farley -
Structured Analytic Techniques R.H. Pherson and R.J. Heur -
The Crux - How Leaders Become Strategists R. Rumelt -
Specification By Example G. Adzic -
This is Lean N. Modig and P. Ahlstrom -

eBooks (Free)

Pro Git download Scott Chacon, Ben Straub -
Text Analytics with Python download D. Sarkar -
Getting Real download An excellent walkthrough on a way to approach building product and applications
The Hitch-hikers Guide to Python download / read - -
How to Think like a Computer Scientist download / read - -
Learn Python the Hard Way v5 download / read - -
Python for Everyone download / read - -
Beyond the Basic Stuff with Python read Al Sweigart -
Test-Driven Web Development with Python read Harry J Percival -
Automate the Boring Stuff read Al Sweigart -
A Byte of Python read - -
The Modern JavaScript Tutorial read - -
Exploring ES6 read - -