- Just finished my bachelor's degree at SUSTech.
- Preparing to take master degree, still at SUSTech.
Intern at ApeCloud. Working on an OLAP now as a newbie.Studing everything needed for an internship. It's hard...Studying computer graphics and game development.
- Dreaming to be amateur for everything.
- Most of my repos are semester projects, homeworks, simple scripts and toy projects.
- 目前继续在南科大摆烂。
- 大部分repo是学校作业,toy project和一些脚本。
- 过三年就可能得桥洞里头盖小被。
- 有一个人生目标大概是在这里搞个过得去的东西。目前貌似正在做。
- 啥都想会一点型选手,梦想是真的啥都会一点。准备读研,之后干啥再说。
- 不喜欢炼丹(炼丹为什么我不去生化环材炼),喜欢原理清楚且确定的东西。
- お持ちなさい あなたの望んだその星を
Knows(but not much) about:
and: stm32, unity 2D gaming, chisel(the HDL).
Dream to be a fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuull stack guy. Maybe one day I can add 3D CAD, circuit design, game making, android dev, deep learning here. Hope I can have such free time :(