A light tool to convert images to pixel arts using the 16-colors palette available on pxls.space.
Java 1.7+ is required to run the program.
A compiled version can be downloaded in the releases section.
Usage: java -jar PxlArtGenerator.jar <source image> <output image> [options]
Displays this menu
-height, -h
The output image height
The size of the pixels on the output image
Default: 1
-palette, -p
The palette to be used to draw the output image; it must be in
Default: 0123456789abcdef
-width, -w
The output image width
Default options; the output size will be the same as the input, using all the available colors:
java -jar PxlArtGenerator.jar source.png output.png
The output pixels will be 10 times larger (useful to avoid anti-aliasing when sharing the image):
java -jar PxlArtGenerator.jar source.png output.png -output-size 10
The palette will only use white, light gray, gray and black:
java -jar PxlArtGenerator.jar source.png output.png -palette 0123
The output image will be 20 pixels long (horizontally), and the height will be calculated according to the original aspect ratio:
java -jar PxlArtGenerator.jar source.png output.png -width 20
The output image will be 50 x 50 pixels (warning, the aspect ratio can change!):
java -jar PxlArtGenerator.jar source.png output.png -width 50 -height 50