The UDP stream (used here) contains only a small subset of the data that is available via the Vicon DataStream SDK.
On the System tab, when you click on the Local Vicon System node, the following settings are available in the UDP Object Stream section of the Properties pane.
using ViconUDP
# initialize Vicon
vicon = ViconSystem(;port=51001);
# Set World origin
set_world!(vicon, [0; 0; 0], [1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1]);
set_world!(vicon, "Origin_Object") # Set World origin based on a given item
# read from Vicon System
itemVector = read_vicon(vicon); # read items from Vicon System
println("Found ", length(itemVector), " items.");
ItemName = "Object1";
item1 = read_vicon(vicon, ItemName); # read "Object1" from Vicon System
println("Position of ", ItemName, ": ", item1.x_m , ", in Vicon frame.")
# transform to World
item1_W = transform_to_world(vicon, item1);
println("Position of ", ItemName, ": ", item1_W.x_m , ", in World frame.")
# measure input frequenzy
# start asyncron read from Vicon System
get_latest_item, stop_read_vicon_async = start_async_read(vicon, ItemName);
for i in 1:100
item1 = get_latest_item() # get latest item from asyncron read
item1_W = transform_to_world(vicon, item1)
println("Position of ", ItemName, ": ", item1_W.x_m , ", in World frame.")
# close UDP socket