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A collection of 3 heuristics for computing new charging park locations.


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ChargingParkPlacement contains three heuristics Pruning, Peak Node Mapping(PNM) and Park Extending for computing k-Threshold-Shortest-Path Covers (k-SPCs), which cover all shortest path with at least k length in graph. These covers can be used for suggesting new electric vehicle charging parks. For the Contraction Hieararchies used in PNM the library RoutingKit was used.

Setup and Installation

RoutingKit requires zlib to work. Under Debian and derived distributions (such as Ubuntu) you can install them using:

sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev

After that you can install RoutingKit with:

git clone
cd RoutingKit

We also require Boost to be installed, which can be done using:

sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev

This project uses cmake. If not installed, it can be installed using:

sudo apt-get install cmake

RoutingKit include and libraray files

Create two files routingkit_include.txt and routingkit_lib.txt in ChargingParkPlacement/. After that write the relative path to the lib and include folder of RoutingKit into them. For example if you installed RoutingKit in the same directory as ChargingParkPlacement you would have the following two files.

> routingkit_include.txt


> routingkit_lib.txt



A contracted version of the highway network graphs for Germany, Spain and Europe are already included in the data folder, each consisting of a <graph>_nodes.csv and a <graph>arcs.csv. By default only these graphs can be used. You can set the graph using the -c parameter

./ParkPlacing -c germany ...

If you want to use different graphs you can load them directly as pbf-file, which can be downloaded at Geofabrik. To extract the highway network the tool osmosis can be used:

osmosis --read-pbf <graph>-latest.osm.pbf --tf accept-ways highway=motorway,motorway_link --tf reject-relations --used-node --write-pbf <graph>_motorways.pbf

After that you can use the precompute_graph function in /src/main.cpp to load the pbf file and export the contracted grpah.


We now provide some examples on how to use the heuristics Pruning, Park Extending and PNM. If you want to extend the existing IONITY or Tesla charging network you can either add the parameter --ionity(-i) or --tesla(-t). If the cover should be validated after the computation add --validate(-v).


./ParkPlacement -k 250 -c germany --heuristic pruning -o pruning250.csv

Peak Node Mapping (PNM)

./ParkPlacement -k 250 -c germany --heuristic pnm -o pnm250.csv

Park Extending

Park Extending has a second parameter min_dist. You can either provide a value for min_dist (Default 0.5) or add the parameter --random (-r) which starts multiple iterations with randomizes min_dist values to find a small cover. By default this search for a best cover does not stop, but you can use --max_time to set a maximum time. Also note that if you don't extend an existing charging park network with (-i or -o) a random node is chosen and added to the cover at the start of Park Extending, from which the start extending the cover. So even when providing a value for min_dist the behaviour is non-deterministic.

./ParkPlacement -k 250 -c germany --heuristic park_extending --min_dist 0.564 -o park_extending250.csv

This starts Park Extending without existing charging parks and with a min_dist value of 0.564.

./ParkPlacement -k 250 -c germany --heuristic park_extending --random --max_time 60 -o park_extending250.csv

Here Park Extending is started with --random set and --max_time set to 60 minutes. Hence, Park Extending tries to find the smallest cover by trying different values for min_dist in a time frame of 60 minutes. If a new best cover is found, it is exported to the output location, so the search can be stopped earlier without loosing the current result.

Coverage Analysis

For a produced cover we can compute turning_points indicating for each edge, the maximum length of an uncovered shortest path using this edge.

./ParkPlacement -c germany --turningpoints <cover>.csv -o turning_points.csv

After that we can use analysis/coverage_quality.ipynb to compute a graph of the coverage quality.


The produced covers are exported as csv-files. With Kepler we can simply visualize them, by adding the csv as dataset, which automatically creates a Point layer.

We can also visualize the computed turning_points for a cover. We, therefore, add the according csv-file to Kepler. This creates the following layers.

We delete the first three layers and make the last visible. We then switch to the filter tab and create a new filter for the csv-field flag. We can now change the lower value of the slider. The remaining edges all belong to uncovered shortest paths with at least the length of this value.


A collection of 3 heuristics for computing new charging park locations.







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