Repository that contains the Avanza AppWeb developed in the Software Engineer Course at Computer Science Bachelor.
The first step to use this system is to clone the repository. Go to your terminal and type
git clone
git clone [email protected]:FernandaOsorioMorales/AvanzaAppWeb.git
NOTE: it's highly probable that you sould create a .env file in the root directory with the following credentials to succesfully start the database.
Go to the root directory and with the Docker service active type the following:
docker compose watch
This should start the following containers.
- Backend
- Frontend
- PosgreSQL
Once started, you can direct to any browser you want and go to http://localhost:8080
to see the landing page of the system.
To see every log of the containers you can open a new window in the terminal and type
docker compose logs -f
To stop every single process refer to the system, just go to the root directory of the project in the terminal and type
docker compose down