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Homebrew PHP

A centralized repository for PHP-related brews.

This is a fork of the original Homebrew PHP repository that was depreciated by the Homebrew project. PHP modules must now be installed with PECL or compiling from source. This repo is being maintained because it allows you to install PHP modules as a package which some people prefer and was the motivation for maintaining this fork.

Contributions are always welcome, we attempt to keep everything up-to-date as much as possible.


PHP 7.1 is not being maintained and the formulas will be deleted.


  • Homebrew
  • High Sierra or Mojave. Untested everywhere else.


Run the following in your command-line:

$ brew tap Fastglass-LLC/homebrew-phprepo

Bugs happen

The more information you provide and the more detailed your report is, the easier it is for us to fix it. An example of the best practice(s) for filling out bug reports can be seen here:

Please refer to this section for more information.

Common Issues

Bugs inevitably happen - none of us are running EVERY conceivable setup - but hopefully the install process can be made smoother through the following tips:

  • If you have recently upgraded your macOS version or Xcode, read this section.
  • Upgrade your macOS to the latest patch version. So if you are on 10.13.0, upgrade to 10.13.1 etc.
  • Ensure Xcode is installed and up to date.
  • Run brew update. If you tapped an old version of homebrew-php or have an old brew installation, this may cause some installation issues.
  • Run brew upgrade. This will upgrade all installed formulae. Sometimes an old version of a formula is installed and this breaks our dependency management. Unfortunately, there is currently no way to force Homebrew to upgrade only those we depend upon. This is a possible fix for those with libxml related compilation issues.
  • If brew doctor complains about Error: Failed to import: homebrew-php-requirement or similar, you can find broken PHP requirement files using find $(brew --prefix)/Library/Formula -type l -name "*requirement.rb". Run this with the -delete flag if you are sure the results of the find contain only the files producing import failures. You can also remove them manually.
  • Delete your ~/.pearrc file before attempting to install a PHP version, as the pear step will fail if an existing, incompatible version exists. We try to detect and remove them ourselves, but sometimes this fails.
  • Run brew doctor and fix any issues you can.
  • If you upgraded to High Sierra 10.13.x, please also upgrade to the latest Xcode, 9.1.
  • File an awesome bug report, using the information in the next section.
  • If you have a failing install due to GD build test failed, try running the following before attempting to reinstall:
  • Mojave; XCode no longer installs needed headers, run open /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg
  • PHP 7.4 Requires krb5 and the PKG_CONFIG_PATH must be set correctly according to krb5 install instructions
brew rm freetype jpeg libpng gd zlib
brew install freetype jpeg libpng gd zlib

Doing all of these might be a hassle, but will more than likely ensure you either have a working install or get help as soon as possible.

zlib Hell

For Catalina (10.15) the compile headers are not installed in Xcode command line utilities. A threat that Apple has made good on. For 10.15, you must perform some trickery to get the headers available for commandline tools. Try the following:

export CPATH=`xcrun --show-sdk-path`/usr/include

For Mojave (10.14), if you are experiencing the problem with zlib not being found, what I found is Xcode has over-updated itself and you got to reset. Do the following

sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
xcode-select --install

After install go look for the headers installation package which will be in /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/

Then install the pkg file like so (substitute the correct pkg file):

sudo installer -pkg /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg -target /

Common upgrade issues

If you have recently upgraded your macOS version or Xcode, you may have some compilation or missing libraries issues. The following information may help you solve most of the problems:

  • Ensure you have properly upgraded Command Line Tools depending on your Xcode version.
  • Proceed step by step to isolate the responsible formula. If you need to install php71 and php71-imagick, don't do brew install php71 php71-imagick. Just do brew install php71, ensure everything is working as expected, check the output of phpinfo(), restart your Apache server with sudo apachectl restart. Then you can install the next formula brew install php71-imagick.
  • If php56, php70 or php71 build fails, remove all their dependencies and reinstall the formula. For instance: If brew install php71 fails, do the following: brew rm php71 && brew deps php71 | xargs brew rm. If brew install php71 --with-gmp fails, do the following: brew rm php71 && brew deps php71 --with-gmp | xargs brew rm. Then reinstall a clean version of the formula: brew update && brew upgrade && brew install php71.
  • If an extension build fails, try also to remove all its dependencies and reinstall it.
  • Sometimes it appears that a formula is not available anymore, do the following: brew tap --repair.

Filing Bug Reports

An example of the best practice(s) for filling out bug reports can be seen here:

Please include the following information in your bug report:

  • macOS Version: eg. 10.13.1, 10.14.4
  • Homebrew Version: brew -v
  • PHP Version in use: stock-apple, homebrew-php stable, homebrew-php devel, homebrew-php head, custom
  • Xcode Version: 9.1, 9.0, 8.1, 7 etc.
    • Verify whether you have the Command Line Tools installed as well.
  • Output of gcc -v
  • Output of php -v
  • Installation logs for the formula in question
    • A link to the gist created with brew gist-logs <formula-you-are-using> will contain these logs.
    • Or, if brew gist-logs is not working:
      • Output of brew install -v path/to/homebrew-php/the-formula-you-want-to-test.rb --with-your --opts-here within a gist. Please append any options you added to the brew install command.
      • Output of brew doctor within a gist

New bug reports will be created with a template of this information for you to fill in.

This will help us diagnose your issues much quicker, as well as find similarities between different reported issues.


This repository contains PHP-related formulae for Homebrew.

(This replaces the PHP formulae that used to live under adamv's homebrew-alt repository.)

The purpose of this repository is to allow PHP developers to quickly retrieve working, up-to-date formulae. The mainline Homebrew repositories are maintained by non-php developers, so testing/maintaining PHP-related brews has fallen by the wayside. If you are a PHP developer using Homebrew, please contribute to this repository.


Note: For a list of available configuration options run:

$ brew options php72

Once the tap is installed, you can install php71, php72, php73 or any formulae you might need via:

$ brew install php72

That's it!

Please also follow the instructions from brew info at the end of the install to ensure you properly installed your PHP version.

Installing Multiple Versions

Using multiple PHP versions from homebrew-php is pretty straightforward.

If using Apache, you will need to update the LoadModule call. For convenience, simply comment out the old PHP version:

If using FPM, you will need to unload the plist controlling php, or manually stop the daemon, via your command line:

If you would like to swap the PHP you use on the command line, you should update the $PATH variable in either your .profile, .zshrc, .bashrc or .bash_profile:

# Swapping from PHP 7.1 to PHP 7.2
# export PATH="$(brew --prefix homebrew/php/php71)/bin:$PATH"
export PATH="$(brew --prefix homebrew/php/php72)/bin:$PATH"

Please be aware that you must make this type of change EACH time you swap between PHP minor versions. You will typically only need to update the Apache/FPM when upgrading your PHP patch version.

PEAR Extensions

Pear is no longer compiled by default, instead you need to install php with the --with-pear option, such as: brew install php71 --with-pear.

Please note that all extensions installed with the included pear will be installed to the respective php's bin path. For example, supposing you installed PHP_CodeSniffer as follows:

$ pear install PHP_CodeSniffer

It would be nice to be able to use the phpcs command via command-line, or other utilities. You will need to add the installed php's bin directory to your path. The following would be added to your .bashrc or .bash_profile when running the php71 brew:

export PATH="$(brew --prefix php72)/bin:$PATH"

Some caveats:

  • Remember to use the proper PHP version in that export. So if you installed the php72 formula, use php72 instead of php71 in the export.
  • Updating your installed PHP will result in the binaries no longer existing within your path. In such cases, you will need to reinstall the pear extensions. Alternatives include installing pear outside of homebrew-php or using the homebrew-php version of your extension.
  • Uninstalling your homebrew-php PHP formula will also remove the extensions.


See Contributing


  • Proper PHP Versioning? See issue #8




Homebrew PHP 7 Tap forked from the original homebrew-php







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