Your one stop CLI for ONNX model analysis.
Featuring graph visualization, FLOP counts, memory metrics and more!
First, download and install DOT.
Installation can be done via cargo
cargo install steelix
MacOS users can also install via HomeBrew:
brew tap FL33TW00D/steelix
brew install steelix
Steelix has 2 core functions - model summarization & model visualization.
CLI command to summarize the core aspects of your model.
steelix summary --model-path ./my-model.onnx
Option | Description | Type | Default | Required? |
--model-path |
Path at which your model is located. | bool |
false |
No |
CLI command to plot your model as an SVG file - complete with inferred shapes.
steelix plot --model-path ./my-model.onnx --open
Option | Description | Type | Default | Required? |
--model-path |
Path at which your model is located. | string |
None | Yes |
--output-path |
Path at which your SVG will be saved. | string |
./model.svg |
No |
--open |
Open SVG in browser once generated. | boolean |
false |
No |
--disable-shapes |
Disable shape inference. | boolean |
false |
No |
Supported Operators (ref ONNX IR)
Operator | Implemented |
Abs | ✅ |
Acos | |
Acosh | |
Add | ✅ |
And | |
ArgMax | |
ArgMin | |
Asin | |
Asinh | |
Atan | |
Atanh | |
AveragePool | |
BatchNormalization | ✅ |
BitShift | |
Cast | |
Ceil | |
Clip | |
Compress | |
Concat | ✅ |
ConcatFromSequence | |
Constant | |
ConstantOfShape | |
Conv | ✅ |
ConvInteger | |
ConvTranspose | |
Cos | |
Cosh | |
CumSum | |
DepthToSpace | |
DequantizeLinear | |
Det | |
Div | |
Dropout | |
Einsum | |
Elu | |
Equal | |
Erf | ✅ |
Exp | |
Expand | |
EyeLike | |
Flatten | |
Floor | |
GRU | |
Gather | ✅ |
GatherElements | |
GatherND | |
Gemm | ✅ |
GlobalAveragePool | |
GlobalLpPool | |
GlobalMaxPool | |
Greater | |
GridSample | |
HardSigmoid | |
Hardmax | |
Identity | |
If | |
InstanceNormalization | |
IsInf | |
IsNaN | |
LRN | |
LSTM | |
LeakyRelu | ✅ |
Less | |
Log | |
Loop | |
LpNormalization | |
LpPool | |
MatMul | ✅ |
MatMulInteger | |
Max | |
MaxPool | ✅ |
MaxRoiPool | |
MaxUnpool | |
Mean | |
Min | |
Mod | |
Mul | ✅ |
Multinomial | |
Neg | |
NonMaxSuppression | |
NonZero | |
Not | ✅ |
OneHot | |
Optional | |
OptionalGetElement | |
OptionalHasElement | |
Or | |
PRelu | |
Pad | ✅ (mode=constant, pads>=0) |
Pow | |
QLinearConv | |
QLinearMatMul | |
QuantizeLinear | |
RNN | |
RandomNormal | |
RandomNormalLike | |
RandomUniform | |
RandomUniformLike | |
Reciprocal | |
ReduceL1 | |
ReduceL2 | |
ReduceLogSum | |
ReduceLogSumExp | |
ReduceMax | |
ReduceMean | |
ReduceMin | |
ReduceProd | |
ReduceSum | |
ReduceSumSquare | |
Relu | ✅ |
Reshape | ✅ |
Resize | |
ReverseSequence | |
RoiAlign | |
Round | |
Scan | |
Scatter (deprecated) | |
ScatterElements | |
ScatterND | |
Selu | |
SequenceAt | |
SequenceConstruct | |
SequenceEmpty | |
SequenceErase | |
SequenceInsert | |
SequenceLength | |
Shape | |
Shrink | |
Sigmoid | ✅ |
Sign | |
Sin | |
Sinh | |
Size | |
Slice | |
Softplus | |
Softsign | |
SpaceToDepth | |
Split | |
SplitToSequence | |
Sqrt | |
Squeeze | ✅ |
StringNormalizer | |
Sub | |
Sum | |
Tan | |
Tanh | |
TfIdfVectorizer | |
ThresholdedRelu | |
Tile | |
TopK | |
Transpose | |
Trilu | |
Unique | |
Unsqueeze | ✅ |
Upsample (deprecated) | |
Where | |
Xor | |
Function | |
Bernoulli | |
CastLike | |
Celu | |
DynamicQuantizeLinear | |
GreaterOrEqual | |
HardSwish | |
LessOrEqual | |
LogSoftmax | |
MeanVarianceNormalization | |
NegativeLogLikelihoodLoss | |
Range | |
Softmax | ✅ |
SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss |
Most of the good ideas/code in this project are heavily inspired by tract, wonnx or netron.