seamore is a software to cmorize simulation data to a given CMIP6 data request. It is being used to create publication ready data from CMIP6 simulations using the Sea-ice Ocean Model (FESOM) of the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI). Any feedback is greatly appreciated, please mail to: Jan Hegewald [email protected]
[ PRIMAVERA_Data_Request_v1_0_3]( PRIMAVERA_Data_Request_v1_0_3)
From the command line type
seamore help
to show basic instructions and a list of commands. Type seamore help <COMMAND>
to get more detailed help for a specific command.
Process a configuration file to create CMOR ready Fesom outout using the process
seamore process exampleconfig.seamore
The configuration file consists of 4 parts of ruby-DSL code for seamore.
cmip6_cmor_tables "01.00.27", "/path/cmip6-cmor-tables/Tables"
cmip6_cvs_dir "/path/CMIP6_CVs"
merge_years_step 1
version_date 2018, 12, 18 # YYYY, MM, DD
source_id "AWI-CM-1-1-MR"
grid_description_file "/pool/glob/"
Note, the merge_years_step
joins multiple years to a single file. Each new file will start at year xxx1, i.e. if files for the years 1950,1951,1952 are merged with merge_years_step 2
, the resulting files will range from 1950--1950 and 1951--1952.
experiment_id "piControl" do # name from controlled vocabularies, multiple expreiment_id blocks are allowed in a single file
indir "/path/fesom_output", 2401, 2450 # optionally limit input to a range of years
outdir "/path/seamore_generated"
variant_label "r1i1p1f1" # see external Global Attributes document
parent_variant_label "r1i1p1f1" # must be omitted if there is "no parent" in the controlled vocabularies
parent_first_year 1901 # must be omitted if there is "no parent" in the controlled vocabularies
branch_year_in_parent 2401
Remove or comment individual lines to skip a specific step.
cmorize_defaults do
The following lines can be generated from the match_available
command, i.e.
seamore match_available /path/cmip6-cmor-tables/Tables /path/fesom_output
If variables can be found in the data request tables but have a different unit, match_available
will list them as a comment and the mapping has to be entered manually. If seamore is able to automatically to the unit conversion, it can still generate the according cmorized file.
The format of the cmorize
lines is:
<actual Fesom variable name>_<actual Fesom variable frequency> => [<cmore variable name>_<target table name>]
The frequencies and table names are part of the CMOR Tables and Controlled Vocabularies. If multiple output tables (frequencies) are requred for the same input variable, use a comma separated list for the output variables: cmorize volo_mon => [volo_Omon, volo_Odec]
Current automatic unit conversion includes:
psu to 0.001
psu2 to 1e-06
W/m^2 to W m-2
1.0 to 1
1 to %
1.0 to %
K to degC
Code fore these conversions belongs to the AUTO_CONVERT_UNIT
class, currently in the step.rb
Line 207 in 01e3212
cmorize evs_mon => [evs_Omon]
cmorize fsitherm_mon => [fsitherm_Omon]
cmorize hfds_mon => [hfds_Omon, hfds_Odec]
cmorize mlotst_day => [mlotst_Eday, mlotst_Omon]
cmorize omldamax_day => [omldamax_Oday]
cmorize opottemptend_mon => [opottemptend_Emon, opottemptend_Oyr]
cmorize pbo_mon => [pbo_Omon]
cmorize prsn_mon => [prsn_Omon]
cmorize rsdo_mon => [rsdo_Omon] # NO match: rsdo 'W/m^2' mon (!! rsdo 'W m-2' exists in datarequest)
cmorize siarean_mon => [siarean_SImon]
cmorize siareas_mon => [siareas_SImon]
cmorize sidmassevapsubl_mon => [sidmassevapsubl_SImon]
cmorize sidmasssi_mon => [sidmasssi_SImon]
cmorize sidmassth_mon => [sidmassth_SImon]
cmorize siextentn_mon => [siextentn_SImon]
cmorize siextents_mon => [siextents_SImon]
cmorize sifllatstop_mon => [sifllatstop_SImon]
cmorize sisnconc_mon => [sisnconc_SImon] # NO match: sisnconc '1' mon (!! sisnconc '%' exists in datarequest)
cmorize sisnmass_mon => [sisnmass_SImon]
cmorize sisnthick_mon => [sisnthick_SImon]
cmorize sispeed_mon => [sispeed_SImon]
cmorize sistrxdtop_day => [sistrxdtop_SImon]
cmorize sistrxubot_day => [sistrxubot_SImon]
cmorize sistrydtop_day => [sistrydtop_SImon]
cmorize sistryubot_day => [sistryubot_SImon]
cmorize sithick_day => [sithick_SIday, sithick_SImon]
cmorize sitimefrac_day => [sitimefrac_SIday, sitimefrac_SImon] # NO match: sitimefrac '1.0' day (!! sitimefrac '1' exists in datarequest)
cmorize siu_day => [siu_SIday, siu_SImon]
cmorize siv_day => [siv_SIday, siv_SImon]
cmorize sivol_mon => [sivol_SImon]
cmorize sivoln_mon => [sivoln_SImon]
cmorize sivols_mon => [sivols_SImon]
cmorize so_day => [so_Omon, so_Odec] # NO match: so 'psu' day (!! so '0.001' exists in datarequest)
cmorize soga_mon => [soga_Omon, soga_Odec] # NO match: soga 'psu' mon (!! soga '0.001' exists in datarequest)
cmorize sos_day => [sos_Oday, sos_Omon, sos_Odec] # NO match: sos 'psu' day (!! sos '0.001' exists in datarequest)
cmorize tauuo_day => [tauuo_Omon, tauuo_Odec]
cmorize tauvo_day => [tauvo_Omon, tauvo_Odec]
cmorize thetao_day => [thetao_Omon, thetao_Odec]
cmorize thetaoga_mon => [thetaoga_Omon, thetaoga_Odec]
cmorize tos_day => [tos_Oday, tos_Omon, tos_Odec]
cmorize tso_3hrPt => [tos_3hr] # NO match: tso 'K' 3hrPt
cmorize uo_mon => [uo_Omon, uo_Odec]
cmorize vo_mon => [vo_Omon, vo_Odec]
cmorize volo_mon => [volo_Omon, volo_Odec]
cmorize wfo_mon => [wfo_Omon, wfo_Odec]
cmorize wo_mon => [wo_Omon, wo_Odec]
cmorize zos_day => [zos_Omon]
cmorize zossq_mon => [zossq_Omon]
Currently seamore utilizes the following commands to do the file conversion. See
If a seamore process
job has been killed or ctrl-c
ed, it can be resumed! Manually delete all *.inprogress
from the output directoy and re-run the original seamore process
command to resume cmorization.
There is an autocompletion file for bash and zsh which can besourced to get autocomplete: env/
If the environment scripts are already available for the machine you are using you'll be able to run the following to automatically install seamore and build its dependencies:
Before starting using bin/seamore
make sure you execute:
Machines that support this type of installation
- Albedo
cd /path
tar -xf ruby-2.6.4.tar.gz
mkdir ruby-2.6.4_bin
cd ruby-2.6.4
./configure --disable-install-doc --prefix=/path/ruby-2.6.4_bin
make -j `nproc --all`
make install
cd /path/seamore && bundle install
# if bundle install fails, we only need gli
gem install --install-dir /path/rubygems/ gli
export GEM_PATH=$GEM_PATH:/path/rubygems/
One can add the seamore module file to .zshrc, .bashrc like export MODULEPATH=/path/modules:$MODULEPATH
Then to use seamore:
module load seamore
seamore contains a set of carefully written unit tests. To run:
cd src
ruby test/test.rb