Annotated third-party content. /annotation
Audio, the medium! End User and other stuff.
Recognizing stellar keyboard support in iOS development.
Unlikely to stick around! Or ya know.... Just screwing with it.
Feature-length, beauty-bitch type shit.
Malfunctions in software/hardware.
Movies, streaming video, and more. (Subject)
Settings! Templates! (Thought it already existed tho....??)
A human! Contact details for individuals involved in the project, interviewees, etc.
Curatorial efforts/projects.
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
Mostly *what to leave out*.
Learning! This should be in a personal repo doc but it's just too late...
Slapped on anything coming from outside our collaborators. Thank you!
Referring to a specific event in time.
A much simpler catch-all for broken shit.
Extra attention is needed
On iOS & iPhone. (Subject)
This doesn't seem right. Try it again.
Lowest-priority considerations.
Regarding the media industry.