The Multilingual Terminology in Humanitarian Language Exchange (abbreviation: HXLTM) is an HXLated valid tabular format (stricly, a documented subset of HXL Standard started by HXL-CPLP) with strong focus to store community contributed translations and multilingual terminology while maximizing portability for implementers.
The documentation is available at
pip install hxltm-eticaai --upgrade
Public domain means each issue only needs to be resolved once
To the extent possible under law, Etica.AI and non anonymous collaborators have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work to Public Domain.
Optionally, the BSD Zero Clause License is also one explicit alternative to the Unlicense as an older license approved by the Open Source Initiative:
SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense OR 0BSD
Creative content license (algorithms and concepts as pivot exchange for other data standards, and user documentation)
To the extent possible under law, Etica.AI and non anonymous collaborators have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work to public domain dedication. As 2021, the CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication with additional right to you granted upfront:
- The collaborators explicitly waive any potential patent rights for algorithms/ideas. We also preemptively ask that potential requests from our heirs in unforeseen future in any jurisdiction be ignored by any regional or international court.
More context about this
This different license for creative content is mostly for lawyers who would complain about use of Unlicense for creative content. More context (from the point of open source) on waiving patent rigths explicitly (since no better license for creative content do exist) is here:
There is no interest by ourselves to do patent troll (for monetary gain) or allow abuse copyrights (to enforce companies, organizations, o governments) even if:
- we directly strongly disagree
- some entity try to use us as proxy to enforce us some sort of boycott to any other entity.
Note that data exchange on humanitarian context, even outside global-like war-time, already is quite complex and the need of accurate linguistic content conversion still even more critical to not have know errors. While the idea of stories behind cases like the "黙殺" ("mokusatsu") are disputable, the modern tooling to deal with multilingual terminology (including used to create dictionaries) is prone to human error.