Releases: Eduhub-Community/
Releases · Eduhub-Community/
v1.0.0: Initial Version
🕐 Changelog
- Update index.html by @Anuradha0501 in #1
- Remove Duplicate Links by @xyrelljoi in #3
- Updated index.html and style.css by @Anuradha0501 in #4
- Update index.html by @Anuradha0501 in #5
- Event page is added by @Subhradeep10 in #9
- Intership Webiner JPG is added by @Subhradeep10 in #10
- Create issue templates by @xyrelljoi in #11
- enhanced navbar by @siddhi-244 in #12
- Create a Join-Me Issue by @xyrelljoi in #14
- Update by @xyrelljoi in #15
- Update by @Anuradha0501 in #16
- Added responsiveness to footer and navbar by @aakankshabhende in #17
- Revert "Added responsiveness to footer and navbar" by @SahityaRoy in #18
- redesigned eduhub page by @Anuradha0501 in #19
- updated profile image by @deeqakkk in #21
- fixes issue-22 by @starrohan999 in #23
- fix issue #24 - site is small on the mobile screen by @bLaCkwEw in #25
- added campus leader in navigation by @Anuradha0501 in #26
- added team page by @Anuradha0501 in #27
- Update team.html by @Anuradha0501 in #28
- arrange the files by @xyrelljoi in #29
- indentation by @xyrelljoi in #30
- update event page by @xyrelljoi in #31
- added blinking button by @Devmindtk in #32
- button is now working properly by @Devmindtk in #33
- Added event gallery template by @thedevildude in #42
- Update by @neha030 in #43
- Social Media Links Added by @neha030 in #44
- Started code of conduct by @its-me-Harsh-Anand in #47
- Blog by @swarnavadas-333 in #50
- Fixed Team Page Bug by @ShahzaibJutt in #49
- dark mode added by @nalin-programmer in #52
- [Bug-Fixed] in UI bugs fixed, irresponsive pointer on 'get started' button + dark blue color when hover over the bottom to up scroll button by @ritishbhardwaj in #54
- Contributors added by @neha030 in #57
- Contact form is working with javaScript by @PhilsKay in #58
- community and its importance by @Ishnoor-kaur in #55
- code of conduct data added by @its-me-Harsh-Anand in #56
- documentation by @Akanksha-Sen in #62
- team section update like width and hover effects etc. by @Technoprabin in #63
- changed the href links to navigate to right page by @PhilsKay in #64
- what is devrel html by @amarsansil in #69
- Update index.html by @amarsansil in #70
- Added a blog by @swarnavadas-333 in #72
- Create blog on E-learning by @ALPHAWINS02 in #75
- WFH Remote by @PriyaChandak24 in #78
- Create Microsoft Interview Experience of Intern Engage Program 2022 by @ALPHAWINS02 in #79
- Fixed inconsistent sizes of Event Cards by @Athi223 in #77
- amitp138 by @amitp138 in #81
- Create dark-mode by @shubhams11-gt in #86
- Create home-2.html by @098ugyvhbjkjlhgvg in #91
- bug by @098ugyvhbjkjlhgvg in #92
- fixing event card bug by @098ugyvhbjkjlhgvg in #93
- after switch to dark mode, the invisible texts now showing. by @PhilsKay in #94
- enhancement on Dark Mode (Resolved conflicts) by @issa-hassane in #95
- Create pointer in c blog by @Dipendu27 in #97
- Steganography by @SoumalyA007 in #120
- Create data science blog by @Dipendu27 in #121
- added bolg by @Aditya-Pratap-01 in #122
- Create Benefits of Open-source contributions blog by @samseptwo in #123
- Create javascript by @Aditya-Pratap-01 in #124
- fix of text not showing proper in normal mode(white) by @issa-hassane in #119
- More about crypto. by @Yashwant-sahay21 in #118
- Create Open Source Software: Hacktober Fest by @Rimi-13 in #117
- Create community blog by @PiyushKrRai in #96
- Create community a pull request by @abhijit0003 in #98
- HTML for Beginners by @itsiiie in #113
- I am intrested in game developing by @wrikevil in #115
- Add files via upload by @AritraSanyal in #111
- Create advantange of c programming by @ankanb84 in #109
- Create Soura Blog by @soura2004 in #110
- Create Community Benefits by @pronab12 in #107
- Create Google cloud by @samseptwo in #131
- Create Principal Component analysis by @123rc in #130
- add file for Hadcktoberfest by @PiyushKrRai in #133
- Create paytm interview by @subh82 in #132
- [feat] Add custom scroll bar by @Rishav1707 in #248
- [feat] Remove preloader and improve loading time by @Rishav1707 in #250
- Changed some styling in the UI by @PoulavBhowmick03 in #257
- Updated and fixed some minor bugs by @bhavyasingh75 in #253
- love-to-code108 by @love-to-code108 in #286
- JS validation add in Contact form issue#270 resolved by @Geeta259 in