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Hello Odin!

This is where I'll be going through The Odin Project. The readme itself includes random tidbits I've picked up along the way that are relevant to me as I'm learning, but probably won't be relevant to future me. This mostly consists of things that catch me off guard or are otherwise unexpected.

Apologies for the insistence on all lowercase in the readme - it makes it a lot easier for me to jot down my nonsense

vs code stuff

  • ctrl + shift + p for shortcut

  • commit messages go at the bottom of the file it opens, save and close it once done to commit

  • commit files one by one, add a commit message for each, then sync - don't stage all your files in one go, then commit and sync straight away

  • add the below to preferences: open keyboard shortcuts (json):

    // ...
        "key": "ctrl+tab",
        "command": "workbench.action.nextEditor"
        "key": "ctrl+shift+tab",
        "command": "workbench.action.previousEditor"
  • disable HTML: Auto Create Quotes in preferences

  • vs code doesn't like # in filenames/folder names - ! and . are okay

  • disable Workbench > Editor: Enable Preview in preferences

  • ctrl + / comments things out

html stuff

  • html foundations covers:

    • what tags are and examples of them
      • div
      • p
      • h1-h6
      • ul vs ol (and li) (unordered lists, ordered lists, and points in lists)
      • strong
      • em
      • comments
      • img
      • a href (both relative and absolute)
      • span (for only marking up part of a piece of text - see this file for more info)
    • what a boilerplate html file should include (see here)
    • what should go in the head (meta tags, title)
    • when to use strong, b, em, and i
  • split content into <section>s instead of using <div>s - similarly use <header> and <footer>

  • html reference sheets can be found here (devdocs) and here (mozilla)

css stuff

  • things covered in foundations:

    • basic css (what it is, basic syntax, etc)
    • type selectors in css (e.g. div{[stylistic features]}, p{[stylistic features]})
    • classes (preceded by .)
    • ids (preceded by #, unique)
    • grouping classes in css (i.e. class-one, class-two{[stylistic features]}) - for when different classes share some but not all stylistic features
    • chaining classes/ids in html (i.e. class="class-one class-two) - for when an element should have multiple classes or ids applied to it. similarly you can do .class-one.class-two{[stylistic features]} in css and it'll only apply those styles to elements with both of those classes. personally i feel like these should have different names as the html is the same whether you're applying multiple classes to the same element or applying styling to something with both classes in css - my opinion on this will likely change down the line as i see various use cases for it, but at the time of writing it's far more confusing than grouping and descendants
    • descendant combinators in css (.parent .child only selects .child if it's a child of (i.e. nested in) a .parent in the html - this can also be done on elements/types, so instead of .parent .child {[stylistic features]} you could do div p {[stylistic features]} to apply styling to any ps that are children of divs
    • the cascade (i.e. specificity)
      • css specificity is weird at first:
      • check out this page (w3schools) for a comprehensive breakdown
      • in essence:
        • a declaration that is more specific will take precedence over one that is less specific
        • it's a scoring system whereby each id used gets 100 points, each class, pseudo-class (e.g. :hover and :first-of-type), or attribute selector(e.g. [checked]) gets 10, and each type selector or pseudo-element (e.g. :before and :selection) gets 1 point
          • i.e. in general, an id selector beats class selectors, which beat type selectors
        • inline styling gets a specificity value of 1,000 and is always given highest priority unless the !important rule is used
        • the lower down a rule is in the file, the higher the priority (if all else is equal) - if font-size is set to 24px on the bottom line and also set higher up at 18px for two rules of equal priority, 24px will take priority - similarly if something is styled with equal priority in both styles.css and index.html, the styling in the html file will take priority
        • the universal (*) selector (and +, ~, >, and empty spaces: ) have no specificity value, so * {[stylstic features]} is overridden by everything
        • the > selector is called a child selector - whereas .parent .child will select any .child found in .parent, no matter how deeply nested it is, .parent > .child will only target .child when it's a DIRECT descendant of .parent (rather than ones that are also further nested)
        • i don't fully understand these at the time of writing, but:
          • now understood - id selectors have a higher specificity than attribute selectors
          • now understood - class selector beats any number of element selectors (i.e. .class{} will always beat div{})
        • children inherit typography-based properties (color, font-size, font-family, etc), but targeting it directly overrides this (i.e. if parent class has font-size set to 18px and child class isn't explicitly set to font-size: 24px, it will inherit 18px - if it is explicitly set to font-size: 24px, this will override the inheritance)
        • the number of hits on the highest reached level matter - .paragraph:first-of-type has two hits on the fourth level (one class and one pseudo-class) whereas p.paragraph has one hit on the fourth level (.paragraph) and one on the fifth (p - a type selector)
        • from highest to lowest priority:
          1. anything that applies to an active transition
          2. !important
          3. anything that applies to an active animation
          4. almost everything else:
            1. inline styling
            2. @layer
            3. id
            4. class/attribute/pseudo-class
            5. type/pseudo-element
          5. position on styles.css
  • you can use something like background: red !important to confirm you're selecting the correct element (similarly we can do border: 2px solid red)

  • css reference sheets can be found here (devdocs) and here (mozilla)

  • other useful css info can be found at csstricks

  • in css, img.huge targets any images with the huge class, whereas .huge-image is a class of its own and while it can be applied to images, it can also be applied to literally anything else. so while on the front-end, these should function similarly (provided the rest of your code is good), it's bad practice to use the latter because it's asking for trouble, and makes your code unnecessarily hard to read

  • for font-family, only use quotation marks around the font name if there are spaces in it (e.g. "Times New Roman" vs Verdana)

  • best practice is to use a space before {, but not for = or "

  • at the time of writing (i.e. this probably won't be relevant beyond june 2023), i'm not entirely sure what the use case is for ids, grouping, chaining, or descendants - i understand how to use them in theory, but in reality i'm not sure when to apply each

  • best practice is to use hyphens instead of camelCase

  • in your browser's console, a strikethrough on a css style means it's overridden by something else

  • when adding css via browser console, if you want to apply something universally throughout the page, ensure you have the root <html> tag selected - where your css goes depends on what you have selected

  • the box model:

    • every element in a webpage is a box - ps are wrapped in boxes, h1s are, imgs are, etc
    • padding, margin, and border:
      • padding increases the space between the border of a box and the content of the box
      • margin increases the space between the borders of a box and the borders of adjacent boxes.
      • border adds space (even if it’s only a pixel or two) between the margin and the padding
      • take a look at the below image for a visual explanation:
      • margin doesn't double up - if two elements next to one another have a margin of 60px, the margin will be 60px and not 120px - if one has a margin of 70px, the total margin will be 70px (i.e. the one with the largest margin is picked)
      • the height of an element is actually calculated as height + padding + border, unless we use box-sizing: border-box; when we do this, the height/width of the element are dynamically assigned based on the padding + border (so if an element has 100px height, 20px padding, and 20px border, it will be 140px in total, but if we use border-box, the height will dynamically decrease to 60px) - border-box is almost always used
    • boxes take both outer and inner display types:
      • outer display types include block and inline:
        • block:
          • box breaks onto a new line
          • width and height properties are respected
          • padding, margin, and border will cause other elements to be pushed away
          • if width is not specified, box will fill as much space available in its container as possible
          • some html elements such as h1 and p use block as their default
        • inline:
          • will not break onto a new line
          • width and height are ignored
          • top and bottom padding, margin, and borders apply but don't cause other inline boxes to move away
          • left and right padding, margin, and borders apply and DO cause other inline boxes to move away
          • some html elements such as a, span, em, and strong use inline as their default
          • generally speaking, you don't want to add padding/margin to inline elements
      • inner display types dicate how elements inside that box are laid out
        • this can be changed by setting, for example, display: flex - the element will still keep display: block, but any direct children of this block will be come flex items (see: flexbox)
      • there is also a middle ground of display: inline-block which behaves like an inline element but has block-style padding and margin, but generally flexbox is used instead
    • div and span have no implicit meaning, they primarily exist to hook ids or classes onto blocks.
      • div is usually used to divide the page into different blocks
      • span can be used to group text/inline elements and is only used when nothing else is appropriate (e.g. highlighting text in a p)
    • margin-left: auto will align an element to the right end of its container
    • increasing the margin of one element effectively increases the size of its container - so take into account size changes when using margin. if one element has margin: 12px then applying margin: auto to something else in the same container, whil it will take the margin of the other element into account, might not look right visually because the margin isn't visible - use borders (see box-container class here and here for more info) or inspect element to help with debugging
    • ran into an interesting issue when doing 2-margin-and-padding:
      • text-align: center worked as expected
      • i wanted to approach it with a different solution by wrapping the text in span tags and using margin: auto
      • this didn't work
      • solution: span is an inline element by default, so the margin was effectively ignored - we had to make the display: flex as well
      • we could also wrap it in p tags and set the width to fit-content, because p is a block by default
  • ul has a default padding of 40px, so you might want to override this

  • flex stuff:

    • justify-content: center to a container is usually functionally the same as adding margin: 0 auto to that container's children (but the latter is bad practice, generally)- remember, justify-content does exactly what it says, it aligns the contents inside it, and not the element itself - align-self aligns an actual element and takes precedence over justify-content and align-content
      • justify-content: space-around puts equal spacing on both sides of the items, including at the edges, whereas space-between puts space between them (so goes to the edge of the container)
    • display: flex only applies to direct children of a container rather than grandchildren. similarly, justify-content only applies to direct children, not children of children - see this exercise for a good example of this
    • items inside containers-2, which in turn is inside container-1, doesn't count as an item in container-1 (i.e. items aren't found recursively) - an item is only really a child of its direct container. in the below code, the only items in menu are date and links
      <div class='menu'>
          <div class='date'>Aug 14, 2016</div>
          <div class='links'>
              <div class='signup'>Sign Up</div>
              <div class='login'>Login</div>
    • align-items is used for vertical alignment, but when you rotate a container's direction, the justify-content property also rotates, so justify-content and align-content switch functions - the best way to see this is that justify-content applies along the main axis, and align-items applies along the cross axis
    • by default, flex-direction: row-reverse only applies on a per row basis - order applies throughout the whole container
    • order is 0 by default, if we change an item's order to 1, ceteris paribus it would move to the end of the container
    • flex: initial overrides something inherited like flex: 1, so rather than scaling, it lets you set fixed widths
    • applying margin-left: auto to something in a container will move it to the right hand side of the container; it will also shift any items after that item in the container
    • flex: 1 is equivalent to flex: 1 1 0 which is also equivalent to flex-grow: 1; flex-shrink: 1; flex-basis: 0
    • flex-grow defines how quickly an item increases in size to take up the extra space beyond its defined width or flex-basis
    • flex-shrink defines how quickly an item shrinks in size when the container is too small
    • flex-basis defines the base size of an item - above this, the flex-grow multiplier will apply how quickly it scales up in relation to other elements, and below this, the flex-shrink value will apply - so it's not the width, so much as "this is the minimum width we'd like it to be in an ideal world, but you can shrink if necessary, provided flex-shrink is set to 1
    • setting flex-basis to auto means that they use their defined height when flex-direction is column (similarly, defined width is used when flex-direction is row) - if we simply use flex: 1 then flex-basis is set to 0px, meaning that the height of any columns created will be 0
    • height overrides flex: 1 when flex-direction is row, and width overrides flex: 1 when flex-direction is column - no matter what, the item won't go above these values
    • justify-self is ignored in flexbox - if we want to move something to the end of the container, we set margin-top or margin-left to auto depending on where we want it to go
    • by default, children bunch at the start of the primary axis, and stretch to fill the entire container along the cross axis
    • when flex-wrap is set to wrap, align-items applies to the items on each individual row, whereas align-content applies to every row in that box
    • remember to set display: flex!!! this needs to be done in multiple places depending on what you want to flex - usually you'll want to apply this to anything whose children should flex. similarly, you don't want to overuse flex - while you can achieve what you want, this exercise is a good example of how you can achieve the same without using flexbox
  • min-width is set to the the length of the longest unbreakable string of characters for elements containing text, but can be set manually - content will overflow from the container if min-width is bigger than the size of the container

  • we can use @media all and (max-width: VALUE) { .container{} } to apply conditional formatting based on display width (see this css-tricks article for more info)

  • margin: auto doesn't work on <div>s because they automatically take up full width

  • vw can be used on a height, similarly vh can be used on a width - this lets you make items scale (like the boxes here)

  • generally speaking, px is best to use for padding, svw/svh for responsiveness, and sometimes % for height - but play it by ear

    • dvh causes content to resize as the user scrolls which isn't ideal
  • rem is best to use for font sizes, potentially with clamp (e.g. 3rem, 5svw+1rem, 6rem - min, preferred, max)

    • you can also use a clamp or even min on gaps between elements
  • media queries can be used to stack side by side elements into a column on mobile

js stuff

  • let, const, and var are used for variables

    • let and var are very similar, but var has no block scope - only current function or global (if defined outside a function), and are processed at function start (or script start for globals)
    • const cannot be reassigned
    • generall speaking, const names are uppercase for legibility
  • we can define multiple variables on each line by separating with commas, or on separate lines with tab indentation:

    let user = 'name',
        age = 25,
        message = 'Hello';
  • when changing a variable, you can't use let etc on it again - it's already declared as a type

  • variables can only contain letters, numbers, and $ or _, first character cannot be a number, and they are case sensitive

  • == tests whether values are the same, === tests whether the data types are also the same; same with != and !==

  • prefixing and postfixing operators (++, for example) works slightly differently - counter++ increments the counter and returns the original value, ++counter increments it and returns the new value - in the below example, a, b, and c are output as 2, d is output as 1

    let a = 1, b = 1;
    let c = ++a;
    let d = b++;
  • + will concatenate anything after a string if it encounters one, so:

    • "" + 1 + 0 will output 10
    • 4 + 5 + "px" will output 45px
    • 4 + 5 + "px" + 2 + 7 will output 45px27
  • putting + before a string variable will convert them to a number - so if apples = "2" and oranges = "3" (note the quotation marks) and we alert (apples + oranges), we'll get 23 because they're concatenated strings, but if we alert (+apples + +oranges), we'll get 5 because they've been converted to numbers

  • to include a variable in a concatenation, you have to use template literals - ` instead of " or ' - so `Hello, ${name}`, for example - these also respect line breaks without needing to manually enter a break character

    • calculations can be done in template literals by doing ${variableA - variableB}
  • all string methods return a new string rather than modifying the original string

  • regex is written without quotes

  • OR (||) finds the first truthy value when given multiple values - or returns the last value if all are false

    • similarly, AND (&&) finds the first false value when given multiple values- or returns the last value if all are true
  • variables declared within a function are local to that function - variables defined outside of a function are available and editable globally

    • similarly, if a variable exists globally but we define it inside a function with let or similar, the global value remains ignored and unedited
  • we can edit an argument that's been passed to a function, for example to emphasise text (e.g. function showMessage(from, text){from = '*' + from+ '*';})

  • you can define a default value (i.e. the value used if no argument is given) by putting = and then the default string or value after the parameter - we can also set a default value to be another function, so that if no parameter is given for X, we call a different function instead

  • calling return without a value causes a function to exit immediately

  • best practice is that a function should do exactly what its name says - show, get, calc, create, or check, for example. so, getAge shouldn't show an alert with age

  • the standard way of creating a function (function Y(){CODE}) is called a function declaration, but we can also have a function expression, whereby we say let Y = function(){CODE}; (note the semicolon at the end) - this stores it in a variable, and writing alert(Y) would output the code, rather than running it

    • function expressions are only usable from the moment they appear in the code, rather than being created at runtime
    • however, if we have a function declaration inside another function or a conditional then call it outside that function, it won't work as intended, because function declarations are local and only visible in the code block in which they reside
      • we can use a function expression to declare a variable as a function outside of that function, then define it inside - this is especially useful for conditionals, for example
    • generally speaking, we only want to use function expressions when a function declaration is not fit for the task (as above)
  • callback functions can be used as arguments in another function:

    function ask(question, yes, no) {
        if (confirm(question)) yes()
        else no();
    function showOk() {
        alert( "You agreed." );
    function showCancel() {
        alert( "You canceled the execution." );
    // usage: functions showOk, showCancel are passed as arguments to ask
    ask("Do you agree?", showOk, showCancel);

    or in the shorter form:

    function ask(question, yes, no) {
        if (confirm(question)) yes()
        else no();
        "Do you agree?",
        function() { alert("You agreed."); },
        function() { alert("You canceled the execution."); }
  • functions should be short and do exactly one thing

    • best practice is to nest functions, so rather than putting your whole code in function showPrimes(n){}, showPrimes() should have one or more functions inside, such as isPrime()
      • compare how much easier the second one is to read compared to the first:
        function showPrimes(n) {
        nextPrime: for (let i = 2; i < n; i++) {
            for (let j = 2; j < i; j++) {
                if (i % j == 0) continue nextPrime;
            alert( i ); // a prime
        function showPrimes(n) {
            for (let i = 2; i < n; i++) {
                if (!isPrime(i)) continue;
                alert(i);  // a prime
        function isPrime(n) {
            for (let i = 2; i < n; i++) {
                if ( n % i == 0) return false;
            return true;
  • question mark operators can also be used in functions for if/else queries, e.g. function checkAge(age) { return (age > 18) ? true : confirm("Did your parents give you permission?") } - the colon separates the response for true from the response for false

    • similarly, we can use or operators to do the same, return (age > 18) || confirm("Did your parents give you permission?")
  • arrow functions are another way of expressing functions, e.g. let sum (a, b) => a+b;

    • if there is a single argument, parentheses around it can be ommitted, if there are no arguments then they can be empty but must be present
    • they can also be used with operators, e.g. let function = (a < x) ? () => alert("Hello") : () => alert("Goodbye");
    • another example is let double = n => alert(n + " doubled is equal to " + n * 2); double(3)
  • when troubleshooting errors, type errors can tell you something isn't a function when it actually is - the key thing to bear in mind here is that the function you're calling might not be compatible with that type of data (see below for example) const str1 = "Hello"; const str2 = "World!"; const message = str1.push(str2);

  • when working with the console, remember to use console.log() and not return

git stuff

  • things covered in foundations:

    • setting up git, pretty much
  • general order of affairs is git add FILENAME, git commit -m "message", git push

  • when using the git cli, instead of moving or deleting files via an explorer, git mv or git rm them, then push the change - otherwise you'll make a mess. note: this doesn't apply when using vs code as it does this for you

  • rather than doing git add *, it's best to git add files individually - that way you can add individual commit messages rather than all of your commit messages in one commit being the same

to-do list

i won't be clearing these out when they're completed, but it's nice to have a history of where i've been and where i am in comparison - i'll probably at least mark them as complete

  • look into what these do - they're not covered by The Odin Project
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  • done - look into when to use ids, grouping, chaining, and descendants

  • done - look into css specificity - foundation test 6-cascade-fix says chaining selectors and ids gives a rule a higher specificity, but what is the exact order?

  • done (see flexbox notes) - why doesn't justify-self: flex-end do the same as margin: auto?

  • need to learn css grid

devtools notes

  • in chrome, f12 --> console --> cog on second row --> tick "selected content only" to hide errors from extensions

  • extra tools can be used via chrome dev tools by clicking the three dots and going to more tools

  • the .cls button (in styles) can be used to add a class to an element - remember to press enter after doing this

    • similarly, .hov can be used to force element states (visited, hover, etc)
  • the window icon to the right of .cls and .hov can be used to open up the sidebar (padding/margin) pane

  • sources --> breakpoints can be used to pause javascript (specifically event listener ones)

    • plugin *.js files may interfere here, so you can right click and ignore them
    • you can also click on a line number to always pause on that line
  • scope in the devtools tells you what variables are currently defined

  • when editing js in devtools, we have to ctrl + s to save it

useful reference material

supplementary links

useful tools

paid courses to look into:


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