This ruby gem uploads (private) sourcemaps to Appsignal using the Sourcemaps API.
To start using this gem, add it to the Gemfile
of your application:
source '' do
gem 'appsignal-sourcemap'
After running bundle install
you should enable the gem by adding upload_sourcemaps: true
to your config/appsignal.yml
upload_sourcemaps: true
Also ensure that your Rails.application.config.asset_host
is setup correctly since that is used to define the full URL of the assets.
The gem then uploads the sourcemaps after the assets:precompile
rake task.
It searches for all .map
files within the Rails.public_path
When building on heroku, make sure you set the revision based on the SOURCE_VERSION
environment variable. This variable is set during the build phase and will be equal to the HEROKU_SLUG_COMMIT
revision on runtime. Note that you should have heroku dyno metadata enabled.
revision: "<%= ENV['SOURCE_VERSION'] || ENV.fetch('HEROKU_SLUG_COMMIT', 'unknown') %>"
The publish workflow listens to a new release in GitHub.