Explanation of the main bot:
SuperTrainer will run multiple versions of CryptoTrainer corresponding to the website, day, hour, and min associated with the test. Each CryptoTrainer used will be pulled from the STORAGE directory and temporarily placed in the TRAINING directory while the training is ongoing. Each CryptoTrainer is selected at random from the set of stored superparam files in the STORAGE directory. Each CryptoTrainer can either be an original, non-randomized file OR it can be a randomized version of an original. Each CryptoTrainer is also in STORAGE with a directory of associated CryptoEvaluator files. With each training set, a CryptoTrainer placed in TRAINING will bring with it a particular one of its STORAGE CryptoEvaluators. Each CryptoTrainer will setup a training session with a number of classes and variations. The difference is each class will include a number of variations of the original CryptoEvaluator CryptoTrainer brought with it. After each class tests all the variations the best one is kept and then used to start a new class. After all the tests are run, the results are stored in CryptoTrainer (i.e. how well the variations of all classes did) and then the SuperTrainer will determine whether the CryptoEvalutor that was developed after training was better than the one it was made from. Furthermore, the SuperTrainer will determine whether the CrypoTrainer produced better results than its original (if it was edited).