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Freshsales is a ruby wrapper around Freshsales API


gem install freshsales


A Freshsales account and an API key. You can set your API key here.

Getting started

# given and your API key
freshsales = "yourdomain", freshsales_apikey: "...")

Design philosophy

Freshsales expose resources using a RESTful API allowing to CRUD those resources. It also provides extra features such as search.

Inspired by gibbon, this library provides a simple dynamic language to construct the URLs required to query those resources.

E.g. requestbody) would represent a POST /api/leads/ request and return a Freshsale::Response instance.

The json data (requestbody) can be passed as string or Hashes.

The received json data can be obtained as raw or Hashes (with symbolized keys or not).


Create / Read / Update / Search / Delete resources

email = "[email protected]"

lead_data = %({"lead":{"last_name":"Sampleton (sample)", "email": "#{email}"}})

# Create lead
result = lead_data)
lead_id = result.body['lead']['id']

updated_lead_data = %({"lead":{"mobile_number":"1-926-555-9999", "email": "#{email}"}})

# Read the lead

# Update the lead
freshsales.leads(lead_id).put(body: updated_lead_data).body

# Search the lead by email
sample = {include: "lead", q: email}).body.first

# Delete it

Finding a particular view

filters = freshsales.contacts.filters.get

view_id = filters.body['filters'].select{|f| "All Contacts" == f['name'] }.first['id']

Paginated resources

Some resources are paginated and controlled by the per_page and page parameters.

While you can return individual pages like this:

freshsales.contacts.view(view_id).get(params: {"per_page": 100, "page": 2}).body

the library also allows to iterate over all pages either one element at a time or one page at a time, lazily making the requests for the different pages when required by the client.

freshsales.contacts.view(view_id).get_all.each do |contact|
  # do something with this contact, which may come from any page

page_params = { "per_page": 100, "sort": "id", "sort_type": "asc", "include": "owner,creater,source"}
freshsales.contacts.view(view_id).get_all_pages(params: page_params).each do |contact_page|
  # do something with this page's data which may contain up to 100 contacts and
  # their associated owner, creater and source data

get_all and get_all_pages return a Freshsale::Cursor whose each method returns a ruby Enumerator when no block is given.

tip Enumerators in ruby can be used as Enumerable. This allows you to apply collection operations on them, even chain them, to transform or filter the returned data.

E.g. if you wanted to restrict the number of elements/pages you could do get_all[_pages].each.take(100)[.each].


Enable the debug option ( true))

WIP / first public release

The library is a work in progress. There will be a couple of API changes before the first public version is officially rolled out. Check the issues targeted for the 0.1.0 milestone

Solve SSL Errors

If you face an issue similar to this one

SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed

your ruby setup to work with OpenSSL probably needs to be fixed.

  • On MacOS:

Your version of OpenSSL may be be outdated, make sure you are using the last one.

  • On Windows:

A fix to the issue stated above has been found on StackOverflow. If you follow the steps described in this topic, you will most likely get rid of this issue.