This 9gag like API is composed of users, posts, comments on posts, upvotes on posts, and upvotes on comments. A user has to be registered to interact with posts and comments, or to create one.
I did these tests on a Linux shell :
The aim is to launch which is our server.
We will create a virtual environment to work in (install dependencies only in the venv).
First, cd in the folder FlaskTuto
Launch these commands to create virtual env and install dependencies (you need python3 and pip3 installed)
- pip3 install virtualenv
- virtualenv venv -p python3
- source venv/bin/activate
The virtual environment is now up
Then we install the dependencies which are "stored" in requirements
- pip3 install -r requirements
- pip3 freeze > requirements
- python3
The serveur is now up on localhost port 5000.
We can use Postman to test it, or a script i wrote called to test the different cases we can encounter.
The script is located in the "test" folder.
By Postman we will create a user.
Do as this image :
You need to set the option on "POST", and enter the path localhost:5000/api/v1/users/signup.
Then we write a JSON query in the body -> raw and change the option to JSON.
And create a user like :
{ "username": "licorne", "email": "jesuislalol", "password": "bienlebonsoir" }
That's it, you registered a user in the local database, you can now take the token to use it.
This script test different cases of signup, GET or POST on comment/posts/upvotes .. To launch it:
- Open a new terminal
- cd in the folder /test
- launch the command python3