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Easy to use wrapper for pyCUDAsirecon, allowing the use of DV files without PRIISM


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Easy to use wrapper for pycudasirecon/cudasirecon, allowing the use of DV (DeltaVision) files without IVE/Priism (UCSF library with MRC/DV support).

This is built for easy use from the command line or as part of an auto-processing pipeline, allowing parameters to be pre-configured or defined at runtime.


To reconstruct the SIM data and create OTFs from PSFs from the cryoSIM at B24, Diamond from the .dv files created by Cockpit. Requirements are:

  • Easy to use
  • Open source
  • Reproducible results
  • Can be used as part of an automatic processing pipeline

Current state

Under development



  • This package requires Conda for package management. This project recommends using miniforge from conda-forge.
  • This package required a CUDA-compatible NVIDIA GPU:
    • At the time of writing, the latest version of cudasirecon (1.2.0) requires CUDA 11.8+. Older versions of cudasirecon have a lower requirement of CUDA 10.2+ but are unsupported by this package.
    • The CUDA version that cudasirecon is built for is dependent on conda-forge's support.
    • It is recommended to use the latest GPU drivers available for you system. Please see cudasirecon's README for more details about CUDA and driver versions.
  • Unfortunately, macOS is not supported.


This is not yet published on conda-forge, so the installation process is fairly manual.

  1. Within a conda terminal, create a new environment conda create -n pysimrecon_env python=3.12 and activate it conda activate pysimrecon_env. The environment has been called pysimrecon_env in this example but this is not a requirement.
  2. Clone (or download) this repository.
  3. Navigate to where you've cloned the repo within your terminal.
  4. Install the requirements from the conda_requirements.txt file conda install -c conda-forge --file conda_requirements.txt. If there are any issues with this step, please refer to the requirements section.
  5. Install the package with pip, now that the requirements have been met:
    • It is recommended to install the package using python -m pip install .[progress] as this includes progress bars using tqdm (simply use python -m pip install . if you don't want this).
    • The package can be installed in editable mode by adding the option -e, i.e. python -m pip install -e .[progress].

If you have any problems installing this package, please open an issue.


Calls to sim-otf and sim-recon can both take a -c/--config argument. This should be similar to the config.ini file in the configs directory, which specifies the defaults config, any per-channel configs (some values should be set on a per-channel basis), and the locations of OTFs for each channel. Channels are specified based on the emission wavelength in nanometres (must be an integer).


For a channel with an emission wavelength of 525nm:

  • In the [configs] section, the channel config can be specified as 525=/path/to/configs/525.cfg
  • In the [otfs] section, the channel OTF file can be specified as 525=/path/to/otfs/525_otf.tiff A directory can be specified within each of the [configs] and [otfs] sections. If given, files can also be defined relative to that directory, e.g. if directory=/path/to, then 525=/path/to/otfs/525_otf.tiff could simply be 525=otfs/525_otf.tiff. Config settings will be overriden by higher-priority sources.

Configuring defaults

The defaults config and per-channel configs expect the same form, with the headers [otf config] for settings that are used with sim-otf and [recon config] for settings that are used with sim-recon. For these commands, available settings can be found in their argument form (with a leading -- that should be removed for config use) in the CLI section under 'Overrides'. While these settings can be set via command line arguments, command line arguments cannot be set per-channel and will apply to all files and channels.

Order of setting priority:

  1. Command line arguments (override all)
  2. Per-channel configs (override defaults for the appropriate channel only)
  3. Defaults (override any cudasirecon defaults)



usage: sim-otf [-h] -p PSF_PATHS [PSF_PATHS ...] [-c CONFIG_PATH]
               [-o OUTPUT_DIRECTORY] [--overwrite] [--no-cleanup]
               [--shape XY_SHAPE XY_SHAPE] [-v] [--no-progress]
               [--nphases NPHASES] [--ls LS] [--na NA] [--nimm NIMM]
               [--background BACKGROUND] [--beaddiam BEADDIAM] [--angle ANGLE]
               [--nocompen] [--5bands] [--fixorigin FIXORIGIN FIXORIGIN]
               [--leavekz LEAVEKZ LEAVEKZ LEAVEKZ] [--I2M I2M]


  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Paths to PSF files to be reconstructed (multiple paths
                        can be given)
  -c CONFIG_PATH, --config-path CONFIG_PATH
                        Path to the root config that specifies the paths to
                        the OTFs and the other configs (recommended)
                        If specified, the output directory in which the OTF
                        files will be saved (otherwise each OTF will be saved
                        in the same directory as its PSF)
  --overwrite           If specified, files will be overwritten if they
                        already exist (unique filenames will be used
  --no-cleanup          If specified, files created during the OTF creation
                        process will not be cleaned up
                        Takes 2 integers (X Y), specifying the shape to crop
                        PSFs to before converting (powers of 2 are fastest)
  -v, --verbose         Show more logging
  --no-progress         turn off progress bars (only has an effect if tqdm is

  Arguments that override configured values. Defaults stated are only used
  if no value is given or configured.

  --nphases NPHASES     Number of pattern phases per SIM direction (default=5)
  --ls LS               Line spacing of SIM pattern in microns (default=0.172)
  --na NA               Detection objective's numerical aperture (default=1.2)
  --nimm NIMM           Refractive index of immersion medium (default=1.33)
  --background BACKGROUND
                        Camera readout background (default=0)
  --beaddiam BEADDIAM   The diameter of the bead in microns (default=0.12)
  --angle ANGLE         The k0 vector angle with which the PSF is taken
  --nocompen            Do not perform bead size compensation
  --5bands              Output to 5 OTF bands (otherwise higher-order's real
                        and imaginary bands are combined into one output)
                        The starting and end pixel for interpolation along kr
                        axis (default=(2, 9))
                        Pixels to be retained on kz axis (default=(0, 0, 0))
  --I2M I2M             I2M OTF file (input data contains I2M PSF)


usage: sim-recon [-h] -d SIM_DATA_PATHS [SIM_DATA_PATHS ...] [-c CONFIG_PATH]
                 [-o OUTPUT_DIRECTORY] [--otf OTFS] [-amc] [--overwrite]
                 [--no-cleanup] [--keep-split] [--parallel] [-v]
                 [--no-progress] [--ndirs NDIRS] [--nphases NPHASES]
                 [--nordersout NORDERSOUT] [--angle0 ANGLE0] [--ls LS]
                 [--na NA] [--nimm NIMM] [--wiener WIENER]
                 [--otfcutoff OTFCUTOFF] [--zoomfact ZOOMFACT] [--zzoom ZZOOM]
                 [--background BACKGROUND] [--usecorr USECORR]
                 [--forcemodamp FORCEMODAMP [FORCEMODAMP ...]]
                 [--k0angles K0ANGLES K0ANGLES K0ANGLES] [--otfRA]
                 [--otfPerAngle] [--fastSI] [--k0searchAll K0SEARCHALL]
                 [--norescale NORESCALE] [--equalizez] [--equalizet]
                 [--dampenOrder0] [--nosuppress NOSUPPRESS] [--nokz0]
                 [--gammaApo GAMMAAPO] [--explodefact EXPLODEFACT]
                 [--nofilterovlps NOFILTEROVLPS]
                 [--saveprefiltered SAVEPREFILTERED]
                 [--savealignedraw SAVEALIGNEDRAW]
                 [--saveoverlaps SAVEOVERLAPS] [--2lenses] [--bessel]
                 [--besselExWave BESSELEXWAVE] [--besselNA BESSELNA]
                 [--deskew DESKEW] [--deskewshift DESKEWSHIFT] [--noRecon]
                 [--cropXY CROPXY] [--xyres XYRES] [--zres ZRES]
                 [--zresPSF ZRESPSF] [--wavelength WAVELENGTH]

Reconstruct SIM data

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Paths to SIM data files to be reconstructed (multiple
                        paths can be given)
  -c CONFIG_PATH, --config-path CONFIG_PATH
                        Path to the root config that specifies the paths to
                        the OTFs and the other configs (recommended)
                        If specified, the output directory in which the
                        reconstructed files will be saved (otherwise each
                        reconstruction will be saved in the same directory as
                        its SIM data file)
  --otf OTFS            The OTF file for a channel can be specified, which
                        should be given as <emission wavelength in nm>:<the
                        path to the OTF file> e.g. '--otf
                        525:/path/to/525_otf.tiff' (argument can be given
                        multiple times to provide OTFs for multiple channels)
  -amc, --allow-missing-channels
                        If specified, attempt reconstruction of other channels
                        in a multi-channel file if one or more are not
  --overwrite           If specified, files will be overwritten if they
                        already exist (unique filenames will be used
  --no-cleanup          If specified, files created during the reconstruction
                        process will not be cleaned up
  --keep-split          If specified, channels will not be stitched back
                        together after reconstruction
  --parallel            If specified, up to 2 processes will be run at a time
  -v, --verbose         Show more logging
  --no-progress         turn off progress bars (only has an effect if tqdm is

  Arguments that override configured values. Defaults stated are only used
  if no value is given or configured.

  --ndirs NDIRS         Number of SIM directions (default=3)
  --nphases NPHASES     Number of pattern phases per SIM direction (default=5)
  --nordersout NORDERSOUT
                        Number of output SIM orders (must be <= nphases//2;
                        safe to ignore usually) (default=0)
  --angle0 ANGLE0       Angle of the first SIM angle in radians
                        (default=1.648) (depends on: k0angles is None)
  --ls LS               Line spacing of SIM pattern in microns (default=0.172)
  --na NA               Detection objective's numerical aperture (default=1.2)
  --nimm NIMM           Refractive index of immersion medium (default=1.33)
  --wiener WIENER       Wiener constant; lower value leads to higher
                        resolution and noise (playing with it extensively is
                        strongly encouraged) (default=0.01)
  --otfcutoff OTFCUTOFF
                        OTF threshold below which it'll be considered noise
                        and not used in "makeoverlaps" (default=0.006)
  --zoomfact ZOOMFACT   Lateral zoom factor in the output over the input
                        images (default=2)
  --zzoom ZZOOM         Axial zoom factor (default=1)
  --background BACKGROUND
                        Camera readout background (default=0)
  --usecorr USECORR     Use a flat-field correction file if provided
  --forcemodamp FORCEMODAMP [FORCEMODAMP ...]
                        Force modamps to these values; useful when image
                        quality is low and auto-estimated modamps are below,
                        say, 0.1
                        Use these pattern vector k0 angles for all directions
                        (instead of inferring the rest angles from angle0)
  --otfRA               Use rotationally averaged OTF, otherwise 3/2D OTF is
                        used for 3/2D raw data (default=0)
  --otfPerAngle         Use one OTF per SIM angle, otherwise one OTF is used
                        for all angles, which is how it's been done
                        traditionally (default=0)
  --fastSI              SIM image is organized in Z->Angle->Phase order,
                        otherwise Angle->Z->Phase image order is assumed
  --k0searchAll K0SEARCHALL
                        Search for k0 at all time points (default=0)
  --norescale NORESCALE
                        No bleach correction (default=0)
  --equalizez           Bleach correction for z (default=0) (depends on:
                        norescale != 1)
  --equalizet           Bleach correction for time (default=0) (depends on:
                        norescale != 1)
  --dampenOrder0        Dampen order-0 in final assembly; do not use for 2D
                        SIM; good choice for high-background images
  --nosuppress NOSUPPRESS
                        Do not suppress DC singularity in the result (good
                        choice for 2D/TIRF data) (default=0)
  --nokz0               Do not use kz=0 plane of the 0th order in the final
                        assembly (mostly for debug) (default=0)
  --gammaApo GAMMAAPO   Output apodization gamma; 1.0 means triangular apo;
                        lower value means less dampening of high-resolution
                        info at the trade-off of higher noise (default=1)
  --explodefact EXPLODEFACT
                        Artificially explode the reciprocal-space distance
                        between orders by this factor (for debug) (default=1)
  --nofilterovlps NOFILTEROVLPS
                        Do not filter the overlapping region between bands
                        (for debug) (default=0)
  --saveprefiltered SAVEPREFILTERED
                        Save separated bands (half Fourier space) into a file
                        and exit (for debug)
  --savealignedraw SAVEALIGNEDRAW
                        Save drift-fixed raw data (half Fourier space) into a
                        file and exit (for debug)
  --saveoverlaps SAVEOVERLAPS
                        Save overlap0 and overlap1 (real-space complex data)
                        into a file and exit (for debug)
  --2lenses             Toggle to indicate I5S data (default=0)
  --bessel              Toggle to indicate Bessel-SIM data (default=0)
  --besselExWave BESSELEXWAVE
                        Bessel SIM excitation wavelength in microns
                        (default=0.488) (depends on: bessel == 1)
  --besselNA BESSELNA   Bessel SIM excitation NA (default=0.144) (depends on:
                        bessel == 1)
  --deskew DESKEW       Deskew angle; if not 0.0 then perform deskewing before
                        processing (default=0)
  --deskewshift DESKEWSHIFT
                        If deskewed, shift the output image by this in X
                        (positive->left) (default=0) (depends on: deskew != 0)
  --noRecon             No reconstruction will be performed; useful when
                        combined with "deskew" (default=0)
  --cropXY CROPXY       Crop the X-Y dimension to this number; 0 means no
                        cropping (default=0)
  --xyres XYRES         X-Y pixel size (use metadata value by default)
  --zres ZRES           Z pixel size (use metadata value by default)
  --zresPSF ZRESPSF     Z pixel size of PSF (use "zres" value by default)
  --wavelength WAVELENGTH
                        Emission wavelength in nm (use metadata value by


usage: otf-view [-h] [--show] [--show-only] [-o OUTPUT_DIRECTORY] [-v]
                otf_paths [otf_paths ...]

Create OTF views

positional arguments:
  otf_paths             OTF file paths

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --show                Display the plots while running
  --show-only           Show plots without saving
                        Save to this directory if saving plots, otherwise each
                        plot will be saved with its input file
  -v, --verbose         Show more logging
  --no-progress         turn off progress bars (only has an effect if tqdm is


Accepts a list of DV files to be converted to TIFFs (with some OME metadata).


Easy to use wrapper for pyCUDAsirecon, allowing the use of DV files without PRIISM







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