This project is a collection of Dart concepts implemented using Flutter and GetX state management. The app includes examples of string manipulation, ListView, GridView, even/odd numbers, and a calculator app.
String manipulation examples, including adding a comma separator to a number and extracting the first and last characters of a string ListView example that displays a list of items with the ability to add and remove items GridView example that displays a grid of items with the ability to add and remove items Even/odd numbers example that checks if a number is even or odd Calculator app with basic arithmetic operations using GetX state management A new Flutter project.
Flutter: A framework for building cross-platform apps Dart: A programming language optimized for client-side development GetX: A simple yet powerful state management library for Flutter and Dart
If you would like to contribute to the development of this project, please feel free to submit pull requests or issues on the GitHub repository.
The Flutter team for creating such a great framework The developers of the various libraries used in this project
Add more examples of Dart concepts, such as loops and conditional statements
Implement unit and integration tests for the app Improve the UI design of the app for a better user experience