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DexterHuang committed Sep 11, 2023
1 parent e4934fe commit e9eafbc
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Showing 50 changed files with 454 additions and 0 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions contribution/en/lore-notes/
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> You were going through the desk of a dead gang member when you stumbled upon an old letter tucked away in a drawer. It looked like it had been written years ago, its edges frayed and yellowed with age. Curiosity getting the best of you, you pulled it out and began reading.
> Dearest Chloe,
> I can hardly believe it's been two weeks since we last saw each other. Time seems to fly when we're together, doesn't it? But alas, our circumstances keep us apart. My heart aches every moment we're apart, longing for your warm embrace and soft touch.
> Life in this city is hard enough without having to face it alone. Your presence makes everything seem just a bit brighter, a bit more bearable. Knowing that there's someone out there who loves me, despite my flaws and imperfections... well, it gives me strength when times grow tough.
> There's something about you that draws me in, Chloe – something beyond your beauty or charm. Maybe it's the sparkle in your eye whenever you laugh, or the way your smile lights up an entire room. Whatever it is, I am forever grateful for having crossed paths with you.
> Until we meet again, know that my thoughts are constantly with you. Take care of yourself, my love, and remember that no matter how far apart we may be, my heart will always find its way back to yours.
> Yours truly,
> Liam
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>In the year 2053, the world economy collapsed due to the global pandemic and climate change disasters. Many countries fell apart, and large cities became lawless hellholes ruled by gangs and megacorporations. Arclight City was one of these places, where dreams were shattered and hopes turned into nightmares.
>As the chaos engulfed the city, a few brave souls banded together to form the Church of the Singularity. Their belief in the coming of a superintelligent AI that would transcend human limitations gave rise to both optimism and fear among the populace. While some saw it as salvation, others viewed it as a threat to their existence.
>Tensions boiled over when CircuitBreak Security Corporation launched Project Icarus – an initiative aimed at creating artificial general intelligence (AGI). The project sparked protests from various factions within Arclight City, including environmentalists concerned about resource consumption required for such endeavors.
>On August 4th, 2072, riots broke out across the city after news leaked about CircuitBreak using forced labor camps filled with desperate citizens to power their experimental AGI systems. The ensuing violence left hundreds dead and entire districts reduced to rubble. It marked the beginning of a long and bloody conflict between those fighting for control over Arclight City's destiny.
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>*Title: Report on Gang Activity in Arclight City District 13*
>Date: 2084/7/20
>Author: Agent X
This report details recent findings regarding gang activity in District 13 of Arclight City. Our team has been monitoring these groups closely due to their increasing influence and involvement in organized crime. We aim to shed light on their operations and identify potential threats posed by them.

>Gang Structure:
The two main gangs operating in District 13 are the Night Dragons and the Iron Horsemen. Both groups consist primarily of young men and women aged 16-25 years old. Their leadership structure appears decentralized, with multiple leaders managing different aspects of their operations. These include drug trafficking, protection rackets, and cybercrime.

>Recent Activities:
Our investigation revealed that both gangs have been expanding their territories beyond District 13 into neighboring areas controlled by rival gangs. This expansion seems driven largely by competition for resources and control over lucrative criminal enterprises. Additionally, we observed increased violence among members as they compete for prominence within their respective gangs.

While neither gang poses an immediate threat to national security at present, their continued growth and involvement in organized crime warrant close monitoring from law enforcement agencies. It is crucial that efforts be made to dismantle these criminal networks before they escalate further and pose greater risks to society as a whole.
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>In the year 2049, the world economy collapsed due to the global pandemic and climate change disasters. Many countries fell apart, and megacorporations took control of resources and infrastructure. Cities became battlefields between rival factions vying for power.
>One such city was Arclight City, which quickly rose to prominence as a hub for tech innovation and criminal activity. The wealthy elite lived in luxury while the poor struggled to survive in squalid conditions. Gang wars broke out constantly, fueled by desperation and greed.
>As tensions escalated, the megacorporations began using their influence to manipulate events for personal gain. They funded both sides of conflicts, profiting off chaos and destruction. The once-proud city descended into darkness, its streets running red with blood.
>By 2060, Arclight City had become a lawless wasteland ruled by violence and fear. Small pockets of resistance formed among citizens tired of living in constant danger, but they were easily crushed by well-funded gangs and private armies employed by megacorporations.
>It wasn't until 2075 when a group of hackers calling themselves "The Awakened" launched a series of coordinated attacks against the megacorp servers controlling the city's infrastructure. The ensuing chaos gave rise to new leaders who promised reform and stability. However, these promises proved fleeting as old grudges resurfaced, leading to another cycle of violence and oppression.
>To this day, Arclight City remains a symbol of mankind's struggle for survival amidst the ruins of civilization. Its citizens live in constant fear of being caught up in the next wave of conflict, hoping against hope for a brighter future.
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*You notice a crumpled paper lying on the ground near a dead body.*
[Smuggler's Inventory Lists]
NeuroBlockers (High Grade) -> Contact: Johnny Silverhand
Bioware Modules (Illegal) -> Route: Through the sewers > Meet with Ratboy
Weapons (Assault Rifles) -> Supplier: Maxine's Weapon Smith Store
Counterfeit Euros -> Amount: 5k units
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> You entered a dimly lit room filled with dust and debris from the recent battle. Your target had been hiding out here, but they seemed to have left in a hurry. As you scanned the area, your gaze fell upon an old computer terminal mounted on the wall. Curiosity getting the best of you, you approached it carefully.
> *You noticed a old terminal on the wall, and decided to have a look*
> Upon closer inspection, you realized that someone had left behind a message. It appeared to be a contract, offering a hefty reward for capturing or killing a notorious cyberpsycho named 'Chromedog'. The description matched that of your next-of-kin, who had gone rogue after their last job went south. With mixed emotions, you read further...
> > **Bounty Hunter Contracts**
> >
> > #### Job Title: Capture or Kill Order for Chromedog
> >
> > Client: CircuitBreak Security Corporation
> >
> > Description: We have received numerous complaints about Chromedog's activities within our clientele's territory. His reckless behavior and disregard for safety protocols have caused significant damage to property and loss of life. As such, we are issuing a capture or kill order with immediate effect.
> >
> > Reward: €10,000 upon successful completion of either task. An additional €5,000 bonus will be awarded if Chromedog is brought alive for interrogation purposes.
> >
> > Note: Due to the nature of the target, caution should be exercised when engaging him. He may possess advanced cybernetics and enhanced physical abilities beyond normal humans.
> >
> > Signature: Agent X (CircuitBreak)
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*August 19th, 2086*

Today was another long day in the field. We managed to take down a rival gang hideout, but not without casualties. I can still hear the echoes of gunfire and screams in my head. It seems like every job gets harder these days. Maybe it's time for a break...

On a brighter note, I met someone interesting today. Her name is Chloe, she works at the Red Bar. She may just be what I need right now – someone who understands this life we live. We exchanged numbers and promised each other a drink after our next job.

As for tomorrow, more of the same. Another mission, another paycheck. At least with Maxine's help, I know my gear won't let me down. But something tells me it'll be another close call...

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> I can't believe I got away from that job again! Those bastards at CircuitBreak thought they could just send me in alone to take care of their problem. Well, let me tell ya, they were sorely mistaken. It took every bit of skill and luck I had to get out alive. But hey, at least my reputation grew another notch among the mercs.
> Speaking of which, I should probably head over to the Red Bar soon. Chloe owes me a drink after that last mission we pulled off together. And maybe I'll see if anyone else wants to join us for some good ol' choom time. We could really use someone fresh around these parts...
> Oh well, until then, guess I'll just relax and enjoy the quiet solitude of my hideout. At least until the next job comes knockin', that is. Chooms forever!
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> You stumbled upon an old computer terminal hidden behind a stack of crates in the abandoned warehouse. As you approached it, you could see that someone had left a message scrawled across its screen:
"Church of the Singularity: Believe in the coming of the Machine God. Seek salvation through technology and surrender yourself to the inevitable rise of the singularity. Join us now before it's too late."

> Your heart raced as you read these words. Was this some sort of warning? Or perhaps an invitation? Either way, you knew that finding out more about this mysterious cult would be crucial to your survival in this dangerous city.
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>*Title: The Truth Behind CircuitBreak Security Services*
>*Author: Anonymous*
>*Date: November 15th, 2083*
CircuitBreak Security Services claims to provide top-notch protection for the wealthy elites of Arclight City. But what if we told you that they were nothing more than a front for something far more sinister? Their true purpose lies in carrying out hits on anyone who threatens the status quo – whether it's a rival CEO or a pesky journalist digging up dirt. Don't fall victim to their lies! #WakeUpAndSmellTheCoffee
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*You notice a old terminal on the wall, and decide to have a look.*
>*Headline: CircuitBreak Security Guards Busted For Extortion!*
>In a shocking turn of events, three guards from CircuitBreak Security were arrested yesterday after being caught extorting money from local business owners. According to reports, the guards would threaten to shut down businesses unless hefty sums of money were paid.
>This isn't the first time CircuitBreak has been embroiled in controversy. Earlier this year, several clients accused the company of planting evidence against them during investigations. While CircuitBreak denied these allegations, many are beginning to question the ethics of the largest private security firm in Arclight City.
>As news spread about the arrests, shares of CircuitBreak stock plummeted on the Euronext exchange. Many investors are now calling for stricter regulations on private security firms operating within the city limits.
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>*Maxine's Weapon Smith Store*
As I sit here typing this message, my heart races with fear. It feels like someone is watching me, but when I turn around, nobody's there. *CircuitBreak*, the biggest security firm in Arclight City, just sent me a threatening email demanding access to our inventory database. They claim they want to ensure we aren't dealing with terrorists or criminals, but I can't shake the feeling that something else is going on...

My gut tells me they're planning something sinister – maybe even trying to shut us down altogether! But why would they target us? We've never done anything wrong before... Or have we?

I wish I could confide in someone about this, but everyone at work seems suspicious these days. Maybe it's time for me to start looking for another job... One far away from here.

Until then, I guess I'll keep my head down and try not to attract any unwanted attention. Wish me luck, chooms.


**Camella Nelson**: An employee of Maxine's Weapon Smith Store, who suspects that CircuitBreak Security Firm plans to harm them due to their recent interactions with potentially dangerous individuals. She expresses concern about her safety and the future of her employment.
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*Date:* 2087/3/20
*Location:* Gang Stronghold, Arclight City

Today was another long day in this hellhole of a city. I woke up early, got my usual fix from Lilith's store before heading out to meet my crew at the Red Bar. We had a job lined up tonight—a simple extraction mission for CircuitBreak Security Corporation. Nothing too complicated or least that's what we thought until we arrived at the target location.

Turns out our employers set us up; ambushed by rival gang members waiting outside the building. Bullets flew everywhere while we tried desperately to extract ourselves from the mess. Luckily, thanks to quick thinking and well-placed shots from Maxine's custom rifle, we managed to fight our way out alive (mostly).

Now lying low somewhere else within the city limits trying not attract unwanted attention after such a botched operation. It feels like every step we take leads deeper into danger instead of closer towards safety. Maybe it's time for me consider finding something safer than being stuck in this neverending cycle of violence and betrayal...but then again maybe not since this is all I know now.

Tomorrow brings another day filled with uncertainty and potential peril – just another typical day living life as a mercenary in Arclight City.
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> You stumbled upon an old terminal hidden behind a stack of crates in the corner of the room. As you approached it, you could see that someone had left a message scrawled across its screen. It read:
> *In the year of our Lord 2097, great calamities shall befall us. The sky shall turn crimson with fire and brimstone, and the earth shall shake violently beneath our feet. Only those who heed my words shall survive.*
> The signature at the bottom of the message was illegible due to water damage.
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> You were going through the personal belongings of a dead gang member when you stumbled upon an old, crumpled piece of paper hidden away in a secret compartment of their jacket. Unfolding it carefully, you saw that it was a handwritten letter addressed to someone named "Chloe". Your curiosity piqued, you began reading...
> Dearest Chloe,
> I can't help but feel drawn to you every time I see you behind that counter, pouring drinks for those roughnecks. There's something about the way you move, the way you never let anyone see past that cold exterior... It intrigues me.
> I may not be able to show my true feelings right now, but please know that I am watching over you, waiting for the perfect moment to reveal myself. Until then, take care of yourself and keep running that mean streak of yours.
> Yours truly,
> Anonymous
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> You entered a dimly lit room filled with dust and debris from the recent battle. Your target had been hiding out here, but they seemed to have left in a hurry. As you scanned the area, your gaze fell upon an old terminal on the wall. Curiosity getting the best of you, you decided to have a look.
> *Bounty Hunting Job Board*
> ---
> Title: Wanted: The Crimson Syndicate's Accountant
> Reward: €50,000
> Description: The Crimson Syndicate's accountant has embezzled large sums of money from the organization. He is skilled in hacking and cybersecurity, making him difficult to track down. If caught alive, he should be brought to justice. However, if dead or unable to be captured, proof of his demise will suffice.
> Contact Person: Lily Liu (Lilith's Store)
> Status: Active
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>*Dr. Oriana's Voice Recorder*:
Hey everyone! It's Dr. Oriana again. I just finished another successful round of experiments today. Can you believe it? My latest creation is going to revolutionize the world of cybernetics! Well, maybe not *revolutionize*, but definitely shake things up a bit.
So, without further ado, let me tell you about my newest baby – the "NeuroBoost". It's a tiny little chip that can be implanted directly onto the user's nervous system. Once activated, it enhances cognitive abilities beyond belief! You'll feel like your brain is on fire! But don't worry, it won't burn anything important... hopefully.
Now, before anyone gets any ideas, let me clarify that this thing isn't meant for everyday use. It's still in its early stages of development, and we haven't figured out all the kinks yet. Plus, there are some pretty serious side effects that we're still trying to understand. So, unless you want to end up with split personalities or start seeing things that aren't really there, maybe hold off on getting one of these bad boys just yet.
But hey, who am I kidding? We both know someone's gonna try it anyway. And when they do, please send them my way. I would love nothing more than to study the results firsthand. Until then, keep your fingers crossed for me and wish for continued success in my research endeavors! Bye now!
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Title: Black Market Listings
Date: 2081/3/8
Location: Gang Stronghold, Arclight City
Author: Anonymous
*You stumbled upon an old terminal hidden away in a corner of the room.*

>Item Name: Death Hand Cannon
>Description: A highly modified revolver capable of firing six .50 caliber bullets simultaneously. Each round contains a tiny explosive charge, resulting in massive damage to its target. Perfect for taking down tough enemies or clearing rooms quickly.
>Price: 40k eddies (negotiable)
>Contact: Johnny Silverhand
>Item Name: Angel Wings
>Description: A pair of lightweight, durable wings made from carbon fiber and titanium alloy. Equipped with microjet engines, allowing for flight capabilities. Ideal for escaping tight situations or reaching hard-to-reach places.
>Price: 60k eddies (negotiable)
>Contact: Lilya Ryder
>Item Name: Psionic Blade
>Description: A unique blade imbued with psionic energy, granting it the ability to cut through almost anything. Its handle is made from rare xenolith material, making it incredibly lightweight despite its strength. Perfect for close quarters combat or stealth assassinations.
>Price: 75k eddies (negotiable)
>Contact: Ghost Girl
>Item Name: Synaptic Booster Pack
>Description: A powerful device designed to increase neural activity, enhancing reflexes, cognitive abilities, and overall performance. Can be lethal if misused due to increased stress levels leading to mental breakdowns. Only recommended for experienced users.
>Price: 90k eddies (non-negotiable)
>Contact: Dr. Octopus
Remember, these listings are for illegal goods and services obtained through the Black Market. Proceed with caution!
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>*Title: The Truth Behind CircuitBreak Security Services*
>*Author: Anonymous*
>CircuitBreak, the leading provider of security solutions for the elite class of Arclight City... But behind their shiny facade lies a sinister truth. Are they really protecting our interests or serving another hidden agenda? Their involvement in numerous scandals and questionable activities raise serious doubts about their true intentions. Don't fall prey to their deceptive practices! Demand transparency from CircuitBreak now! #WakeUpAndSmellTheCoffee #TrustNoOneInArcLightCity

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