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What is preinstalled on my OTS Hosting Service

Daniel Speichert edited this page Jan 30, 2016 · 1 revision

The OTS Hosting Service comes with a lot of software preinstalled and preconfigured.

First of all, it is based on Ubuntu 15.10. Usually, an LTS release is chosen but there is no LTS release available now with systemd available by default.

A brief overview of preinstalled functionality:

  • nginx web server
  • PHP 5.5 (based on PHP5-FPM), serving files from /home/otsmanager/www/public_html
  • MySQL Server 5.5 with root access
  • phpMyAdmin interface (running on port 3380)
  • mysql daily backups in /var/lib/automysqlbackup
  • Compiled and running TheForgottenServer 1.2 (master) in /home/otsmanager/forgottenserver
  • TFS auto-restarter and auto-start utility, type "start tfs", "stop tfs" or "status tfs" to manage
  • packages needed to build most TFS and Otserv versions

Some miscellaneous packages installed:

  • mc
  • htop
  • unrar
  • rar
  • zip
  • p7zip
  • git
  • cmake
  • build-essential
  • libgmp3-dev
  • libmysqlclient-dev
  • libboost-system-dev
  • liblua5.2-dev