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A demo of hosting static non-Angular HTML using Angular CLI


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Angular CLI Static

This experimental project was generated with Angular CLI version 9.0.0-next.5.

Development server

  1. Run npm start for a dev server
  2. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/

The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.


  • Run npm run build to build the project
  • Run npm run build:prod flag for a production build

The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory.


  1. Change .firebaserc to point to your Firebase Hosting project
  2. Ensure that you are logged in to Firebase: npm run login
  3. Run npm run deploy

Key Configuration Steps

  1. Create a workspace without an app:
ng new --create-application=false angular-cli-static
  1. Create a minimal app:
ng g app --style=scss --minimal=true --routing=false --skip-tests=true static-html
  1. Comment out zone.js import in polyfills.ts
  2. In angular.json clear out "fileReplacements": []
  3. Remove app/, environments/
  4. Remove the following Angular dependencies from package.json's dependencies:
    • @angular/animations
    • @angular/forms
  5. Remove the following dependencies from package.json's devDependencies:
    • codelyzer
    • @angular/language-service
  6. Remove codelyzer from rulesDirectory and remove all of the Codelyzer rules from the workspace tslint.json
  7. Remove directive-selector and component-selector rules from your app's tslint.json
  8. Enable Deployment to Firebase
ng add @angular/fire
  1. Update your firebase.json to work with a static site rather than a SPA
  "rewrites": [
      "source": "/",
      "destination": "/index.html"
  1. Add a 404.html and 404.css
  2. Update your project's assets list in angular.json to include the new files
    "assets": [