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A MiSim extension for simulating container orchestration processes


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misim-orchestration - A MiSim plugin for simulating container orchestration


  • Apache Maven (mvn)
  • Java 8 (only runs with Java 8 currently, due to the MiSim dependency)


  1. Install MiSim dependencies

    • Install the provided MiSim core dependency:

      mvn install:install-file \
        -Dfile=./libraries/misim-3.3.1.jar \
        -DgroupId=cambio.simulator \
        -DartifactId=misim \
        -Dversion=3.3.1 \
        -Dpackaging=jar \
    • Install the provided MiSim tests dependency:

      mvn install:install-file \
      -Dfile=./libraries/misim-tests-3.3.1.jar \
      -DgroupId=cambio.simulator \
      -DartifactId=misim \
      -Dversion=3.3.1 \
      -Dpackaging=jar \
      -Dclassifier=tests \
  2. Build this repository

    mvn clean package


Read our hello-world example to learn about how to run simulations.

Configuration options

  • For an overview of MiSim configuration options, which are set in the JSON format via an experiment model and an architecture model, we recommend the MiSim wiki.
  • For a description of misim-orchestration options, set via a YAML file, see the file.
  • Working sample configurations can be found in the examples


  • For development with IntelliJ IDEA, annotation processing should be enabled in the IDE settings and the Lombok plugin is required.
  • Predefined IntelliJ run configurations for some of the example simulations are available for running and debugging. Ensure that the misim-k8s-adapter and required kubernetes artifacts are running before debugging or runnning the simulation. Instructions can be found in the if the steps in the main docs directory.
  • As mentioned previously, Java 8 is required. MiSim and misim-orchestration are currently not compatible with higher versions!

Cite us

  abstract = {Microservices deployed and managed by container orchestration frameworks like Kubernetes are the bases of modern cloud applications. In microservice performance modeling and prediction, simulations provide a lightweight alternative to experimental analysis, which requires dedicated infrastructure and a laborious setup. However, existing simulators cannot run realistic scenarios, as performance-critical orchestration mechanisms (like scheduling or autoscaling) are manually modeled and can consequently not be represented in their full complexity and configuration space. This work combines a state-of-the-art simulation for microservice performance with Kubernetes container orchestration. Hereby, we include the original implementation of Kubernetes artifacts enabling realistic scenarios and testing of orchestration policies with low overhead. In two experiments with Kubernetes' kube-scheduler and cluster-autoscaler, we demonstrate that our framework can correctly handle different configurations of these orchestration mechanisms boosting both the simulation's use cases and authenticity.},
  added-at = {2023-08-17T01:05:43.000+0200},
  author = {Straesser, Martin and Haas, Patrick and Frank, Sebastian and Hakamian, Alireza and Van Hoorn, André and Kounev, Samuel},
  biburl = {},
  booktitle = {Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools},
  interhash = {373d040402db63c40b7b0b707adf66ad},
  intrahash = {3ea9a74ebfc49b6a1a29bce1d6083855},
  keywords = {cloud_computing container_orchestration descartes discrete_event_simulation kubernetes microservices software_performance t_full myown},
  note = {In print.},
  timestamp = {2023-08-17T01:05:43.000+0200},
  title = {Kubernetes-in-the-Loop: Enriching Microservice Simulation Through Authentic Container Orchestration},
  year = 2023

Any questions?

For questions contact Martin Straesser.