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That project is an enhanced gradle configuration for libgdx


  1. Decoupled projects - when working on android project, you wount see gradle doing something with RoboVM which is used only for iOS. So better performance and stability
  2. Java 8 support (tested desktop & android) with lambdas

What this project is for

That project is not for HTML and Eclipse. It is primaraly used to write java 8 code in core and deploy for android & desktop. While iOS must work too (RoboVM has support for java 8) I update iOS project very rarely. If you want to do that, you can make a pull request.


  1. JAVA_HOME set to Jdk 8 path

Known problems

You may need to disable "instant run" in IDE to make java 8 work (see

IDE's support

  1. Android Studio
  2. IDEA
  3. AIDE on mobile phone/tablet - use aide branch

Android Studio

Import gradle project in Android Studio


Import in IDEA as gradle project:

check auto-import,

uncheck create separate module per source set,

use default gradle wrapper


AIDE has limitations on building gradle projects at the time of writing. So gradle configuration was simplified - see aide branch. Some things we need to do by hand:

  1. Copy android/src/main/jniLibs from desktop to mobile device

  2. Build core project on desktop, then copy built core.jar to android/libs

Build app for android

First, uncomment unpackNatives() task found in android/build.gradle. You need to do that in regular gradle project setup in libgdx - it's not specific to this repo. Script is used to unpack jars and put .so in correct directories, so that they will be included in apk. Nothing more is needed to do, just click "run" in IDE or execute in terminal:

./gradlew :android:installRelease


./gradlew :android:installDebug

Build app for iOS

Libgdx regular gradle setup has bug which persists in this repo too. The workaround is simple. Assure that:


in (see robovm/robovm#867) or you may get UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native Library already loaded in another classloader

now you can build as normal:

./gradlew :ios:launchIOSDevice


./gradlew :ios:launchIPhoneSimulator


./gradlew :ios:launchIPadSimulator

Note, that running on simulator I sometimes get an error related to audio playing. It's a RoboVM bug: libgdx/libgdx#1485. Will appreciate solving that mystery for me. I'm new to iOS develop and I don't here any sound playing in simulator. I think, it's switched off but I don't see any reason to crash when audio not available. Check if you want to reproduce.

AIDE story

AIDE is an IDE, running on regular android device. It has limitations, I tried to overcome. See below

  1. Constants not working.
buildscript { ext { gdxVersion=1.9.3 } }
dependencies {
  compile "com.badlogicgames.gdx:gdx-backend-android:$gdxVersion"

So, have to write:

compile "com.badlogicgames.gdx:gdx-backend-android:1.9.3"
  1. Building core gradle project as regular java project in AIDE doesn't work. At the time of writing AIDE opens core as android project (probably it doesn't know that regular java project can use gradle build system) and fails to compile it. The suggestion is to build it on desktop and copy jar. To be able to write core code on mobile device you can write it in android project. Then just move it when you are back on desktop and build new jar. It's ugly, but it's working

Useful gradle commands

gradlew clean --no-daemon // Clean project, that one used by official setup script

Further reading


libGDX project template with optimized performance in IDE






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