Library to use entitas without code generation. It is working, I use it in one of my android (unity) hobby projects.
Discussion: sschmid/Entitas#345
Feel free to make an issue or contribution.
It works thanks to generics, lookup table and reflection for initializing indexes. My intent was to keep original performance. It has drawback, it has a reflection step to initialize indexes (see EntitasData.cs). But it is done only once, the first time you use api.
You don't need to generate any code.
- You need to register each new component in lookup table. Just add line to Comps.cs. You'll be using it to say which component later on.
- And you need to add an editor to each component for Add/Replace to work. For single values you can inherit SingleValueComponent to not write boilerplate. No need to write anything special for flag components.
public class AgeComponent : SingleValueComponent<float> {}
public class DestroyingComponent : IComponent {} // it's a flag, so it is simple
public class PositionComponent : IComponent
public float x { get; private set; } // you can encapsulate fields thanks to Editor by the way
public float y { get; private set; } // so fields wount be updated without calling entity.Add() / Replace() and notifying listeners
public class Editor : ComponentEditor<PositionComponent>
public Entity Apply(float x, float y) // Add / Replace returns Editor, so any method here will be visible to client code. Return Entity for chaining
component.x = x;
component.y = y;
return Apply();
public static class Comps
public static readonly IComp<AgeComponent, AgeComponent.Editor> Age = new Comp<AgeComponent, AgeComponent.Editor>();
public static readonly IComp<PositionComponent, PositionComponent.Editor> Position = new Comp<PositionComponent, PositionComponent.Editor>();
public static readonly IFlagComp<DestroyingComponent> Destroying = new Comp<DestroyingComponent>(); // flag is registered as IFlagComp
This is how you can work with Entitas without generated code. It's not such sexy, but I tried to make it as short and clean as possible.
PositionComponent position = entity.Get(Comps.Position);
float x = position.x;
float age = entity.Get(Comps.Age).Value;
age = entity.GetValue(Comps.Age); // shorthand for ISingleValueComponent
entity.Add(Comps.Age, 2); // add AgeComponent with Value = 2
entity.Add(Comps.Position).Apply(0, 3); // add PositionComponent with x = 0, y = 3. If you know how to make it look more sexy, please, make an issue/pr
entity.Replace(Comps.Age, 5); // replace AgeComponent with Value = 5
entity.Replace(Comps.Position).Apply(5, 2); // replace PositionComponent with values x = 5, y = 2
entity.SetFlag(Comps.Destroying, true); // it adds DestroyingComponent internally if not added
entity.SetFlag(Comps.Destroying, false); // it removes DestroyingComponent internally if exist
entity.Has(Comps.Destroying); // check if entity has component
IMatcher matcher = Matcher.AllOf(Comps.Age, Comps.Position);
Group group = Pools.pool.GetGroup(Matcher.AllOf(Comps.Age, Comps.Position));
Entitas 0.31.1 was used when creating wrappers. If you want more recent version - report an issue/make pull request.