The collection of collections.
Description | Command |
Prettify all | pnpm prettify |
Test lib | pnpm exec nx run <LIBRARY>:test |
Build lib | pnpm exec nx run <LIBRARY>:build |
Release lib | pnpm exec nx run <LIBRARY>:version --releaseAs=<major, minor, patch, premajor, preminor, prepatch, prerelease> --preid=<alpha,beta> |
TypeScript Library with tons of utility tools helping in all projects.
is a tiny and simple-to-use Javascript QR-Code generator library. Fully type-safe and ES module compatible.
Angular Library with tons of utility tools helping in all projects.
Angular table CDK implementation for Bootstrap with filtering, sorting and pagination.
is a tiny and simple-to-use Angular QrCode generator library.
Straightforward, state-of-the-art Angular icon library.
Build upon the excellence of Bootstrap Icons providing you with over 2,000 icons in a bundle-size friendly way.
is a type-safe Angular HttpClient that pulls in your OpenAPI schema.
It has virtually zero runtime and is fully compatible with Http Interceptors.