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This repository contains auxiliary files for ND simulation production. It is meant as a centralized place for collecting input files to be used for official production passes for the ND software group. Examples: geometry gdml files, flux window definitions, macros


The repository is organized with a dedicated area for geometry gdml files, and then a directory corresponding to each production stage: generator, geant4, detsim, reco, analysis. There is also a dedicated area for grid scripts to facilitate version control of these scripts. Many jobs that run multiple stages in a single submission will require input files from several of these areas.


The geometry area of this repository is intended to store gdml files for production. These should be generated from configuration files in the dunendggd repository. It is strongly encouraged to tag the dunendggd repo when a production geometry is created, and reference the tag either in the gdml file name or at least the commit message. Including the geometries in this repository simplifies the production process by providing a centralized repo for all input files required for production.

Production stages

The generator area contains input files related to the neutrino event generation (GENIE) stage, for example the flux window definition. The geant4 area contains input files for simulating neutrino interaction products in the detector, for example the edep-sim macro file. Files in the generator and geant4 areas will typically be common to all ND productions.

The detsim, reco, and analysis areas contain inputs for simulating the detector response, running reconstruction, and producing analysis ntuples, respectively. These inputs are likely to be specific to a particular subdetector and less likely to be common accross the ND groups. Please use descriptive names when committing files to these areas especially to avoid confusion. For example, if you are committing a configuration file for running ND-LAr track finding, name it NDLAr_trackfinder_v0.cfg rather than giving it a generic name like reco.cfg. In the future we may add further organziation to these directories if they become too messy.