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Train command scheduler

The player has the option to create a schedule, and later tell the AI engineer to execute it.


  • Download from the releases page
  • Install with Railloader

List of currently implemented Commands:

Connect Air

Connect air on train.


Move train

Parameter Description
Direction Move direction (forward / backward)
AutoEngineerMode Yard / Road mode
MaxRoadSpeed Max. speed when in road mode
StopMode Stop behavior

Stop modes

  • CarLengths: Train will travel N car lengths before stopping.

Notice Wait

Shows notice to player and wait until player dismiss it.

Parameter Description
Message Message shown as notification to player.

Release handbrakes

Release all handbrakes on train.

Restore switches

Restore state of switches, that where thrown by this schedule.

Set handbrake

Sets handbrake on given car. Car index counted from locomotive.

Parameter Description
CarIndex Car index counted from locomotive.

Set switch

Save current switch state and set desired state.

Parameter Description
Id Node id of target switch.
IsThrown Desired state of switch (true=reversed, false=normal)


Uncouple given car. Car index counted from locomotive.

Parameter Description
CarIndex Car index counted from locomotive.


Wait given amount of milliseconds before continuing with next command in schedule.

Parameter Description
MilliSeconds Number of milliseconds to wait.

Project Setup

In order to get going with this, follow the following steps:

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Copy the Paths.user.example to Paths.user, open the new Paths.user and set the <GameDir> to your game's directory.
  3. Open the Solution
  4. You're ready!

During Development

Make sure you're using the Debug configuration. Every time you build your project, the files will be copied to your Mods folder and you can immediately start the game to test it.


Make sure you're using the Release configuration. The build pipeline will then automatically do a few things:

  1. Makes sure it's a proper release build without debug symbols
  2. Replaces $(AssemblyVersion) in the Definition.json with the actual assembly version.
  3. Copies all build outputs into a zip file inside bin with a ready-to-extract structure inside, named like the project they belonged to and the version of it.

Custom commands

  1. Create you own mod, that is referencing this one
  2. Implement Scheduler.Utility.ICommand interface
  3. Inherd Scheduler.Utility.CommandManager<TCommand> class
  4. Register command and manager class by calling Scheduler.Utility.ScheduleCommands.Register<TCommand, TCommandManager>() during mod initialization phase.

Implementation of 'Wait' command:

public sealed class Wait(float milliSeconds) : ICommand
    // Text shown in Scheduler dialog
    public string DisplayText => $"Wait for {MilliSeconds * 0.001f:0.###} seconds";

    // Command parameter
    public float MilliSeconds { get; } = milliSeconds;

public sealed class WaitManager : CommandManager<Wait>
    // Execute this command
    // state holds data, that can be pass between commands
    // "schedule"       Schedule          Reference to entire schedule
    // "locomotive"     BaseLocomitive    Reference to locomotive
    // "wage"           int               Wage to engineer after schedule complated:
    // "index"          int               Command index in schedule
    // "stop"           bool?             If set to true, schedule execution will be aborted
    public override IEnumerator Execute(Dictionary<string, object> state) {
        return new WaitForSecondsRealtime(Command!.MilliSeconds);

    private float? _MilliSeconds;

    // Serialize command parameter(s) to json
    public override void SerializeProperties(JsonWriter writer) {

    // Read json property to temporary field
    protected override void ReadProperty(string propertyName, JsonReader reader, JsonSerializer serializer) {
        if (propertyName == nameof(Wait.MilliSeconds)) {
            _MilliSeconds = serializer.Deserialize<float>(reader);

    // Verify, that mandatory properties where loaded via ReadProperty
    // and create command
    protected override object TryCreateCommand() {
        if (_MilliSeconds == null) {
            return "Missing mandatory property 'MilliSeconds'.";

        return new Wait(_MilliSeconds!.Value);

    // UI used in Schedule dialog when player configure command
    public override void BuildPanel(UIPanelBuilder builder, BaseLocomotive locomotive) {
        builder.AddField("Milliseconds", builder.AddSlider(() => _MilliSeconds ?? 0, () => (_MilliSeconds ?? 0).ToString("0"), o => _MilliSeconds = o, 0, 60 * 60 * 1000, true, o => _MilliSeconds = o)!);

// Command registration during plugin initialziation:
ScheduleCommands.Register<Wait, WaitManager>();


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