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Cygnus Periphery Contracts

Update Date
Upgraded to 1inch V5 router (19/01/2023)
Upgraded to use Uniswap's Permit2 and allow Flash Liquidations (30/05/2023)
Integrated with Paraswap's router (15/06/2023)
Integrated with 0xProject's Swap API (30/06/2023)
Added Fallback function for each extension (06/07/2023)
Integrated with OpenOcean's Aggregator API (02/08/2023)
Added emergency UniswapV3 deleverage/leverage/liquidations (*) (15/10/2023)
Integrated OKX Dex Aggregator (20/10/2023)
Periphery contracts and Hypervisor extension was audited (**) (04/11/2023)
UniswapV3 Swaps will always bridge through native tokens first (05/11/2023)
Added Balancer Composable Stable pool extension (06/11/2023)

This is the main periphery contract to interact with the Cygnus Core contracts.

This router is integrated with 1inch, Paraswap, 0xProject, OpenOcean and OKX aggregators, using their latest routers and it works mostly on-chain. The queries are estimated before the first call off-chain, following the same logic for each swap as this contract. Each proceeding call builds on top of the previous one.

During the leverage functionality the router borrows USD from the borrowable arm contract, and then converts it to liquidity. Before the leverage or de-leverage function call, we calculate quotes to estimate what the amount will be during each swap stage allowing users to choose the best quote from the DEX aggregators. See the function argument DexAggregator dexAggregator for leverage, deleverage and flash liquidate below.

(*) Since the 15th of October of 2023 the router is integrated with UniswapV3's router on each chain. This was done in case of emergencies only! In the unlikely scenario where all aggregators start failing or there is a problem with Cygnus frontend, or there is any problem where users need to quickly deleverage or flash liquidate positions but for the above cases they are unable to do so, users can now leverage/deleverage/liquidate completely on chain using UnsiwapV3, without needing to build any calldata. Users can for example call it directly from etherscan or the block explorer without relying on any frontend to build the calldata! If interacting from etherscan or your own script always make sure to put a sufficiently correct minUsdReceived param.

(**) The periphery CygnusAltair and extension contracts CygnusAltairX & XHypervisor were audited. We implemented small fixes such as reverting in case of no dex aggregator found and updated the _maxRepayAmount to not accrue interest as this is no longer needed.

1Inch Integration


    // Swap tokens via 1inch legacy (aka `swap` method)

     *  @notice Creates the swap with 1Inch's AggregatorV5. We pass an extra param `updatedAmount` to eliminate
     *          any slippage from the byte data passed. When calculating the optimal deposit for single sided
     *          liquidity deposit, our calculation can be off for a few mini tokens which don't affect the
     *          data of the aggregation executor, so we pass the tx data as is but update the srcToken amount
     *  @param swapdata The data from 1inch `swap` query
     *  @param srcAmount The balanceOf this contract`s srcToken
     *  @return amountOut The amount received of destination token
    function _swapTokensOneInchV1(
        bytes memory swapdata,
        address srcToken,
        uint256 srcAmount
    ) internal returns (uint256 amountOut) {
        // Get aggregation executor, swap params and the encoded calls for the executor from 1inch API call
        (address caller, IAggregationRouterV5.SwapDescription memory desc, bytes memory permit, bytes memory data) = abi
            .decode(swapdata, (address, IAggregationRouterV5.SwapDescription, bytes, bytes));

        // Update swap amount to current balance of src token (if needed)
        if (desc.amount != srcAmount) desc.amount = srcAmount;

        // Approve 1Inch Router in `srcToken` if necessary
        _approveToken(srcToken, address(ONE_INCH_ROUTER_V5), srcAmount);

        // Swap `srcToken` to `dstToken` - Aggregator does the necessary minAmount check & we do checks at the end
        // of the leverage/deleverage functions anyways
        (amountOut, ) = IAggregationRouterV5(ONE_INCH_ROUTER_V5).swap(IAggregationExecutor(caller), desc, permit, data);

    // Swap tokens via 1inch optimized routers

     *  @notice Creates the swap with 1Inch's AggregatorV5 using the router's latest paths (unoswap, uniswapv3, etc.)
     *  @param swapdata The data from 1inch `swap` query
     *  @param srcAmount The balanceOf this contract`s srcToken
     *  @return amountOut The amount received of destination token
    function _swapTokensOneInchV2(
        bytes memory swapdata,
        address srcToken,
        uint256 srcAmount
    ) internal returns (uint256 amountOut) {
        // Approve 1Inch Router in `srcToken` if necessary
        _approveToken(srcToken, address(ONE_INCH_ROUTER_V5), srcAmount);

        // Call the router constant
        (bool success, bytes memory resultData) ={ value: msg.value }(swapdata);

        /// @custom:error OneInchTransactionFailed
        if (!success) revert CygnusAltair__OneInchTransactionFailed();

        // Return amount received
        assembly {
            amountOut := mload(add(resultData, 32))

Paraswap Integration


 *  @notice Creates the swap with Paraswap's Augustus Swapper. We don't update the amount, instead we clean dust at the end.
 *          This is because the data is of complex type (Path[] path). We pass the token being swapped and the amount being
 *          swapped to approve the transfer proxy (which is set on augustus wrapped via `getTokenTransferProxy`).
 *  @param swapData The data from Paraswap's `transaction` query
 *  @param srcToken The token being swapped
 *  @param fromAmount The amount of `srcToken` being swapped
 *  @return amountOut The amount received of destination token
function _swapTokensParaswap(
    bytes memory swapData,
    address srcToken,
    uint256 fromAmount
) internal returns (uint256 amountOut) {
    // Paraswap's token proxy to approve in srcToken
    address paraswapTransferProxy = IAugustusSwapper(PARASWAP_AUGUSTUS_SWAPPER_V5).getTokenTransferProxy();

    // Approve Paraswap's transfer proxy in `srcToken` if necessary
    _approveToken(srcToken, paraswapTransferProxy, fromAmount);

    // Call the augustus wrapper with the data passed, triggering the fallback function for multi/mega swaps
    (bool success, bytes memory resultData) ={ value: msg.value }(swapData);

    /// @custom:error ParaswapTransactionFailed
    if (!success) revert CygnusAltair__ParaswapTransactionFailed();

    // Return amount received - This is off by some very small amount from the actual contract balance.
    // We shouldn't use it directly. Instead, query contract balance of token received
    assembly {
        amountOut := mload(add(resultData, 32))

0xProject Integration


 *  @notice Creates the swap with OxProject's swap API 
 *  @param swapdata The data from 0x's swap api `quote` query
 *  @param srcAmount The balanceOf this contract`s srcToken
 *  @return amountOut The amount received of destination token
function _swapTokens0xProject(bytes memory swapdata, address srcToken, uint256 srcAmount) internal returns (uint256 amountOut) {
    // Approve `srcToken` in 0xExchange proxy if necessary
    _approveToken(srcToken, address(OxPROJECT_EXCHANGE_PROXY), srcAmount);

    // Call the 0xExchange proxy with the data passed
    (bool success, bytes memory resultData) ={value: msg.value}(swapdata);

    /// @custom:error 0xProjectTransactionFailed
    if (!success) revert CygnusAltair__0xProjectTransactionFailed();

    // Return amount received
    assembly {
        amountOut := mload(add(resultData, 32))

OpenOcean Integration


 *  @notice Creates the swap with OpenOcean's Aggregator API
 *  @param swapdata The data from OpenOcean`s swap quote query
 *  @param srcAmount The balanceOf this contract`s srcToken
 *  @return amountOut The amount received of destination token
function _swapTokensOpenOcean(bytes memory swapdata, address srcToken, uint256 srcAmount) internal returns (uint256 amountOut) { 
    // Approve OpenOcean Exchange Router in `srcToken` if necessary
    _approveToken(srcToken, OPEN_OCEAN_EXCHANGE_PROXY, srcAmount);

    // Call OpenOcean's exchange router
    (bool success, bytes memory resultData) ={value: msg.value}(swapdata);

    /// @custom:error OpenOceanTransactionFailed
    if (!success) revert CygnusAltair__OpenOceanTransactionFailed();

    // Return amount received
    assembly {
        amountOut := mload(add(resultData, 32))

OKX Integration


     *  @notice Creates the swap with OKX's aggregation router
     *  @param swapdata The data from OKX`s swap quote query
     *  @param srcAmount The balanceOf this contract`s srcToken
     *  @return amountOut The amount received of destination token
    function _swapTokensOkx(bytes memory swapdata, address srcToken, uint256 srcAmount) internal returns (uint256 amountOut) {
        // Get the approve proxy from the router
        address okxApproveProxy = IOkxAggregator(OKX_AGGREGATION_ROUTER).approveProxy();

        // Get the token approve contract from the proxy
        address tokenApprove = IOkxProxy(okxApproveProxy).tokenApprove();

        // Approve Okx' tokenApprove contract in `srcToken`
        _approveToken(srcToken, tokenApprove, srcAmount);

        // Call the OKX router with the swap data passed to use all methods
        (bool success, bytes memory resultData) ={value: msg.value}(swapdata);

        /// @custom:error OkxTransactionFailed
        if (!success) _extensionRevert(resultData);

        // Return amount received
        /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
        assembly {
            amountOut := mload(add(resultData, 32))


 *  @notice Main leverage function
 *  @param lpTokenPair The address of the LP Token
 *  @param collateral The address of the collateral of the lending pool
 *  @param borrowable The address of the borrowable of the lending pool
 *  @param usdAmount The amount to leverage
 *  @param lpAmountMin The minimum amount of LP Tokens to receive
 *  @param deadline The time by which the transaction must be included to effect the change
 *  @param permitData Permit data for borrowable leverage
 *  @param dexAggregator The dex used to sell the collateral (0 for Paraswap, 1 for 1inch)
 *  @param swapData the 1inch swap data to convert USD to liquidity
function leverage(
    address lpTokenPair,
    address collateral,
    address borrowable,
    uint256 usdAmount,
    uint256 lpAmountMin,
    uint256 deadline,
    bytes calldata permitData,
    DexAggregator dexAggregator,
    bytes[] calldata swapData
) external;

The leverage function will call The CygnusBorrow contract and this will send amountUsd back to the router of USDC. The router then converts the USDC borrowed into liquidity. It then mints the liquidity Token, sends it to the collateral contract and mints CygLP to the borrower.


 *  @notice Main deleverage function
 *  @param lpTokenPair The address of the LP Token
 *  @param collateral The address of the collateral of the lending pool
 *  @param borrowable The address of the borrowable of the lending pool
 *  @param cygLPAmount The amount to CygLP to deleverage
 *  @param usdAmountMin The minimum amount of USD to receive
 *  @param deadline The time by which the transaction must be included to effect the change
 *  @param permitData Permit data for collateral deleverage
 *  @param dexAggregator The dex used to sell the collateral (0 for Paraswap, 1 for 1inch)
 *  @param swapData the 1inch swap data to convert liquidity to USD
function deleverage(
    address lpTokenPair,
    address collateral,
    address borrowable,
    uint256 cygLPAmount,
    uint256 usdAmountMin,
    uint256 deadline,
    bytes calldata permitData,
    DexAggregator dexAggregator,
    bytes[] calldata swapData
) external;

The deleverage function will call the CygnusCollateral contract and this will flash redeem liquidity tokens to the router. The router then burns the liquidity token (or the DEX' function to redeem the liquidity token for the assets), and receives the assets (for example amountA of token0, amountB of token1). It then converts all of amountA and amountB this contract has to USDC, repaying by sending it back to the borrowable contract and sending left over balance to the borrower.

Emergency Deleverage/Liquidation Only

In the unlikely case where all DEX Aggregators go down and are not available, users can always perform an emergency deleverage using UniswapV3 from our frontend or from the block exporer directly. UniswapV3's ID is 7.

We optimized it to make it as efficient as possible by swapping through pools with the highest liquidity, but using DEX aggregators is always favourable. To perform an emergency deleverage with UniswapV3:

function deleverage(


 *  @param borrowable The address of the Cygnus borrow contract the borrower has debt with
 *  @param amountMax The amount to liquidate
 *  @param borrower The address of the borrower
 *  @param recipient The address of the recipient
 *  @param deadline The time by which the transaction must be included to effect the change
function liquidate(
    address borrowable,
    uint256 amountMax,
    address borrower,
    address recipient,
    uint256 deadline
) external returns (uint256 amount, uint256 seizeTokens);

Simple liquidate function which sends USD from the liquidator back to the borrowable pool and calling the pool's liquidate() function, seizing CygLP from the borrower and sending it to the recipient. The recipient receives the equivalent amount of the USD repaid in liquidity tokens (in the form of CygLP) + the liquidation reward also in liquidity tokens.

Flash Liquidate

 *  @notice Main function to flash liquidate borrows. Ie, liquidating a user without needing to have USD
 *  @param borrowable The address of the CygnusBorrow contract
 *  @param amountMax The maximum amount to liquidate
 *  @param borrower The address of the borrower
 *  @param recipient The address of the recipient
 *  @param deadline The time by which the transaction must be included to effect the change
 *  @param dexAggregator The dex used to sell the collateral (0 for Paraswap, 1 for 1inch)
 *  @param swapData Calldata to swap
function flashLiquidate(
    address borrowable,
    address collateral,
    uint256 amountMax,
    address borrower,
    address recipient,
    uint256 deadline,
    DexAggregator dexAggregator,
    bytes[] calldata swapData
) external returns (uint256 amount);

This function will liquidate any borrower who has a position in shortfall without the liquidator needing to have any USDC. The caller must first build the swapData off-chain using this router's getAssetsForShares(shares). The function will return an array of tokens and amounts which are the amounts of assets we would get back for burning or redeeming shares. We can then build the swap data easily by swapping each token amount to USD.

The function will then call the liquidate() function on the CygnusBorrow contract with the data for the swaps. The CygnusBorrow contract will seize tokens, pass the tokens seized and swapdata back to this contract and the liquidation will take place, sending back the amount repaid of usd to the borrowable and leaving the difference to the borrower (the liquidation incentive).


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