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Bone MVC Framework

Build Status Code Coverage Scrutinizer Code Quality master
Build Status Code Coverage Scrutinizer Code Quality dev-master

Be ye wantin an MVC framework peppered with local pirate lingo?
It be the most bare bones framework in the seven seas!


composer create-project delboy1978uk/bonemvc your/path/here dev-master
###Apache setup We don't need tellin' ye, t' be sure, but a typical Apache vhost settin' might be lookin' like this:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot "/var/www/bonemvc/public"
    ServerAdmin [email protected]
    ErrorLog "logs/error_log"
    SetEnv APPLICATION_ENV development
    <Directory "/var/www/bonemvc">
        DirectoryIndex index.php
        FallbackResource /index.php
        Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride all
        Require all granted
    BrowserMatch ".*MSIE.*" nokeepalive downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0

Project Folders

###config Garr! In the config folder be two files, config.php, and ####routes Th' default route matchin' system follows the followin' pattern:


In the config.php ye can customise routes to go to certain controllers and actions like this:

    'routes' => array(
        '/some-custom-url' => array(
            'controller' => 'index',
            'action' => 'index',
            'params' => array(
                'user' => 666,
                'skull => 'crossbones',

Ye can configure mandatory and optional paramaters in your routes like this:


In yer controller, ye would ask fer $this->getParam('mandatory'); and $this->getParam('optional');
####db Ye can connect to a MySQL database by puttin' yer connection details in th' config

    'db' => array(
            'host' => '',
            'database' => 'bone',
            'user' => 'leChuck',
            'pass' => 'bigWh00p',

Then in yer controller, ye can get a PDO connection by saying:


###templates Ye can put a master template in here. Bone be lookin' in App\View\layouts fer a PHP file by th' same name.

    'templates' => array(

Be checkin' th' folder fer an example! This be a config which can override th' production settin's. Remove the .dist extension, and ye can add details for your dev environment. ##Controllers Make yer controller extend Bone\Mvc\Controller, and name your controller actions like pirateAction() etc.
T' send data t' th' view, ye can either return an array, or call

$this->view->someVar = 'gaaarrrrr!';

// or
return [
    'someVar' => 'gaaarrrr!',    

####init() and postDispatch() Th' init(); and postDispatch() methods will run before and after your controller action does, so ye can do stuff in there too if need be! ####JSON Content Type Buildin' an API, aye? Ye can send application/json by callin' the followin' method in yer controller action:


####HTTP Requests, Responses, and Headers Bone be all shiny and new these days, and we be usin' PSR-7 Request and Response objects. Ye can get them using th' getHeaders() method, or individual headers with the getHeader($key) method. $this->getRequest() be returnin' an instance of Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface. ##Views We pirates be luvvin' PHP, and as such v2.0.0 of Bone MVC has made Twig walk the plank! We now be using th' fantastic Plates ( Anything ye send up t' th' view like $this->view->drink = 'grog'; can be output in the view by a simple:

echo $drink;

Of course, ye be wantin' to escape your output too! So do it like this:

echo $this->e($drink);

##Registry Bone be usin' a Registry to store stuff in. Soon we'll be changin' that to use Barnacle, a plundered version of th' awesome Pimple dependency injection container. T' use it, just do the followin':

use Bone\Mvc\Registry;

Registry::set('name' => 'Guybrush');
echo Registry::set('name'); // outputs 'Guybrush'

Ye can store whatever th' hell be needin' stored, objects, or whatever! ##Additional Libraries Avast ye! We be usin' some additional libs by th' Cap'n (delboy1978uk), namely:


Fer the CDN lib, ye can quickly echo out javascript and css using Del\Cdn, see App\View\layouts\layout.php fer an example.
See also use Del\Icon and Del\Css, which come as part of the cdn lib.
Ye can create custom Bootstrap ready forms usin' delboy1978uk/form, see the Github page fer details.
Ye can manipulate images usin' the gd PHP functions, with the Del\Image class. Ye can set Session variables usin' Del\SessionManager, see GitHub for info.

####Get Swashbucklin'! Gaarrrrr!



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