This is a little email server and client I made for opencomputers. It uses the T3 data card's public/private key encryption.
The current version is a little broken because I had tried to make a change but only did halfway. I am working on fixing it. It is quite buggy and breaks frequently. If find an obvious bug I will already know about it. If the issue is something not obvious go ahead and post it.
I am currently working on a multi-server version of the server. Right now a single server can only handle one client. With the new feature you can have multiple email servers with a single request handler out the front. This new feature is still in development but will be done within the week.
- You will need:
- T3 case
- any cpu
- 2x T2 memory (might need less but idk)
- any gpu
- any netork card
- T3 data card
Both computers require at least the minimum hardware.
If you don't have an account it will ask if you would like to make one.
Due to a bug with opencomputers there is no end to end encryption.
Turns out it might just be me and I should fix it soon but school exists so I can't at the moment.
Set up the server file on the computer you would like to be the server. Then run the client from anywhere and sign in with any account. Then put the corresponding library files into the correspoding lib folders (messageClassClient -> client's lib folder and messageClassServer -> server's lib folder).
If you have any questions let me know and if there are any issues please make sure that they are in the issues tab. Thanks for downloading my program :).