This is a collection of embedded C/C++ projects targeting the STM32F on the CTRE HERO Developement Board
Provide a firmware port of candleLight_fw.
Socket CAN support is part of the multi-platform build effort of Phoenix (linux-desktop/RaspPi/etc).
This firmware allows using HERO in this fashion, however any Socket CAN compliant USB device will be supported.
Socket CAN binaries can be found here.
To provide an "on the metal" template for embedded C/C++ developers who prefer to not use the Visual Studio C# NETMF solution. This allows use of the STM32F hardware features that is not exposed in NETMF-C#.
To provide an "on the metal" example that uses an embedded build of Phoenix. This means using the Phoenix API object model (TalonSRX objects for example) in embedded C++.
This repository is based on the STM32CubeF4 package which can be downloaded from STMicroelectronics. The following was added to the stock download of this package...
- Under Drivers/BSP, a new BSP source set exists for HERO.
- Under Projects, a new STM32F429VI-HERO folder is added.
- Under Projects/STM32F429VI-HERO/Applications/USB_Device, the HID_Standalone projected was updated for HERO.
- Under Projects/STM32F429VI-HERO/Applications/USB_Device, new project called CandleLight which is a port of (candleLight_fw)[]
HID_Standalone Device USB example that jitters the mouse of a PC after HERO has been connected via USB.
CandleLight Makes the HERO behave like a Socket CAN device.
The projects are relatively new and untested, issues will be monitored in the tracker.
Currently the only tested method is to open the MDK-ARM/Project.uvprojx project in KEIL-uVision v5. Deploy/Debug was accomplished with an ST Link V2 (~$20 JTAG debugger). The bottom of the HERO has a JTAG port, which requires the header to be populated.