BadApple but on the Logitech G15 LCD, without G15Daemon or LibG15, just raw HID access.
ffmpeg -i nicovideo-sm8628149_4c8a655c13612a596d6b97c58797d3c622adebddc6436264e47e615fdccb9d21.mp4 -vf 'scale=-1:129,pad=480:130:-1,crop=480:129,fps=15,scale=160:43' '/tmp/badapple/badapple_%05d.png'
followed by
cd /tmp/badapple/
mkdir out
gm mogrify -output-directory out -format ppm -monochrome 'badapple_*.png'
dub build
If you don't have udev rules for the G15, you'll need to run baddriver
as root. Otherwise, just run baddriver
(and make sure nothing else like G15Daemon is hogging the USB device.)