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173 lines (129 loc) · 7.74 KB

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173 lines (129 loc) · 7.74 KB


All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
getWebhookDeliveries GET /webhook_deliveries List webhook deliveries
getWebhookDelivery GET /webhook_deliveries/{id} Find webhook_delivery details by ID


GetWebhookDeliveries200Response getWebhookDeliveries(filterStatusEq, filterEventType, filterWebhookContains, filterAttemptsContains, filterStartedAtGte, filterStartedAtLte, filterFinishedAtGte, filterFinishedAtLte, pageNumber, pageSize)

List webhook deliveries

Lists webhook_deliveries for the authenticated user


// Import classes:
import com.telnyx.sdk.ApiClient;
import com.telnyx.sdk.ApiException;
import com.telnyx.sdk.Configuration;
import com.telnyx.sdk.auth.*;
import com.telnyx.sdk.model.*;
import com.telnyx.sdk.api.WebhooksApi;

public class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure HTTP bearer authorization: bearerAuth
        HttpBearerAuth bearerAuth = (HttpBearerAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("bearerAuth");
        bearerAuth.setBearerToken("BEARER TOKEN");

        WebhooksApi apiInstance = new WebhooksApi(defaultClient);
        String filterStatusEq = "delivered"; // String | Return only webhook_deliveries matching the given `status`
        String filterEventType = "call_initiated,call.initiated"; // String | Return only webhook_deliveries matching the given value of `event_type`. Accepts multiple values separated by a `,`.
        String filterWebhookContains = "call.initiated"; // String | Return only webhook deliveries whose `webhook` component contains the given text
        String filterAttemptsContains = ""; // String | Return only webhook_deliveries whose `attempts` component contains the given text
        String filterStartedAtGte = "2019-03-29T11:10:00Z"; // String | Return only webhook_deliveries whose delivery started later than or at given ISO 8601 datetime
        String filterStartedAtLte = "2019-03-29T11:10:00Z"; // String | Return only webhook_deliveries whose delivery started earlier than or at given ISO 8601 datetime
        String filterFinishedAtGte = "2019-03-29T11:10:00Z"; // String | Return only webhook_deliveries whose delivery finished later than or at given ISO 8601 datetime
        String filterFinishedAtLte = "2019-03-29T11:10:00Z"; // String | Return only webhook_deliveries whose delivery finished earlier than or at given ISO 8601 datetime
        Integer pageNumber = 1; // Integer | The page number to load
        Integer pageSize = 20; // Integer | The size of the page
        try {
            GetWebhookDeliveries200Response result = apiInstance.getWebhookDeliveries(filterStatusEq, filterEventType, filterWebhookContains, filterAttemptsContains, filterStartedAtGte, filterStartedAtLte, filterFinishedAtGte, filterFinishedAtLte, pageNumber, pageSize);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling WebhooksApi#getWebhookDeliveries");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
            System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());


Name Type Description Notes
filterStatusEq String Return only webhook_deliveries matching the given `status` [optional] [enum: delivered, failed]
filterEventType String Return only webhook_deliveries matching the given value of `event_type`. Accepts multiple values separated by a `,`. [optional]
filterWebhookContains String Return only webhook deliveries whose `webhook` component contains the given text [optional]
filterAttemptsContains String Return only webhook_deliveries whose `attempts` component contains the given text [optional]
filterStartedAtGte String Return only webhook_deliveries whose delivery started later than or at given ISO 8601 datetime [optional]
filterStartedAtLte String Return only webhook_deliveries whose delivery started earlier than or at given ISO 8601 datetime [optional]
filterFinishedAtGte String Return only webhook_deliveries whose delivery finished later than or at given ISO 8601 datetime [optional]
filterFinishedAtLte String Return only webhook_deliveries whose delivery finished earlier than or at given ISO 8601 datetime [optional]
pageNumber Integer The page number to load [optional] [default to 1]
pageSize Integer The size of the page [optional] [default to 20]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 A paginated array of webhook_delivery attempts -
401 Unauthorized -
422 Unprocessable entity -


GetWebhookDelivery200Response getWebhookDelivery(id)

Find webhook_delivery details by ID

Provides webhook_delivery debug data, such as timestamps, delivery status and attempts.


import java.util.UUID;
// Import classes:
import com.telnyx.sdk.ApiClient;
import com.telnyx.sdk.ApiException;
import com.telnyx.sdk.Configuration;
import com.telnyx.sdk.auth.*;
import com.telnyx.sdk.model.*;
import com.telnyx.sdk.api.WebhooksApi;

public class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure HTTP bearer authorization: bearerAuth
        HttpBearerAuth bearerAuth = (HttpBearerAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("bearerAuth");
        bearerAuth.setBearerToken("BEARER TOKEN");

        WebhooksApi apiInstance = new WebhooksApi(defaultClient);
        UUID id = UUID.fromString("c9c0797e-901d-4349-a33c-c2c8f31a92c2"); // UUID | Uniquely identifies the webhook_delivery.
        try {
            GetWebhookDelivery200Response result = apiInstance.getWebhookDelivery(id);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling WebhooksApi#getWebhookDelivery");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
            System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());


Name Type Description Notes
id UUID Uniquely identifies the webhook_delivery.

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 Webhook delivery record. -
401 Unauthorized -
404 WebhookDelivery not found -