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CCDScan is a full blockchain explorer on Concordium.

It consists of two main parts:

Docker Compose

The project ships a Docker Compose spec for deploying a CCDScan Backend with a TimescaleDB (v14) instance.


  • CCDSCAN_BACKEND_IMAGE (default: concordium/ccdscan:test): Image to use for the backend. The default value is not an existing public image: Using it will make Compose build the image from local sources. Note that to use an existing public image, the image must already have been pulled (using e.g. docker-compose pull) before running up. Otherwise, Compose will proceed to build the image without first checking if the image can be pulled.
  • CCDSCAN_BACKEND_PORT (default: 5000): Port on which to expose the backend. Mac users should set this to another value as the port might already be used by the system.
  • CCDSCAN_NODE_GRPC_ADDRESS (default: URL of the gRPC (APIv1) interface of a Concordium Node. The default value is the default address of a Node running on the host.
  • CCDSCAN_DOMAIN (default: URL of the network's domain ( for mainnet and <network> for the other official networks). Used as part of the URL for fetching data from the public network dashboard.


Run backend on port 5001 from public image concordium/ccdscan:<tag> against a local mainnet node:

export CCDSCAN_BACKEND_IMAGE=concordium/ccdscan:<tag>
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up

See the description of CCDSCAN_BACKEND_PORT for an explanation of why Mac users in particular might want to set this value.

Database restore

In ./timescaledb-restore a description is given how to spin up and restore CCD scan database locally from Stage- or Testnet backups.

This is only needed to be done once. They will be recompiled on later changes as part of dotnet build.

Unstable features

  • GraphQL endpoints for contracts and modules should currently be seen as unstable, indicating that the query models are likely to undergo changes.