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New version of JsonDatabase is based on dynamic properties. This database supports all possible Map class operations from ECMAScript.

Inherited from Map

  • size: number of properties
  • [Symbol.iterator]: is iterable [key, value]
  • clear(): clear all values
  • delete(key: string): delete specific value
  • entries(): generator of all values [key, value]
  • forEach(callBack: (value, key, this)=>void): for each all elements and call provided function for that
  • get(key: string): returns value for specific key
  • set(key: string: value: any): sets new value for provided key
  • has(key: string): returns true when database has a value for that key
  • keys(): returns iterbale of keys
  • values(): returns iterable of values

Additional Methods & Properties

  • dispose(): dispose the current instance of database anc clears it chache, saved data are not lost!
  • isValid(): returns true when source is valid and database is not disposed
  • isDisposed: property returns if database is disposed

Other examples

Dual instance security!

const myDB1 = new JsonDatabase(world,"sameId");
const myDB2 = new WorldDatabase("sameId"); //returns JsonDatabase because database with same id "sameId" and same source was already created.

console.log(myDB1 === myDB2); //true the very same instance!


import {world} from "@minecraft/server";
import {JsonDatabase} from "./con-database.js";

const db = new WorldDatabase("my id");

db.set("key1", "value1");
db.set("key2", {isComplexObject: true});

console.warn(db.get("key1")); // "value1"


console.warn(db.get("key1")); // undefined

// Iterating over the map using for loop
for (const [key, value] of db) {
  console.warn(`${key} = ${value}`);


// Getting the size of the map
console.warn(db.size); // 0

Example saving deaths for each player

Each key is unique to its player because key include players id, so database keys looks like



import {world} from "@minecraft/server";
import { JsonDatabase } from "databases.js";

const stats = new JsonDatabase("playerStats");

    setDeaths(deadEntity,getDeaths(deadEntity) + 1);

function getDeaths(player){ 
    return stats.get( + "deaths")??0;}

function setDeaths(player,deaths){ 
    stats.set( + "deaths",deaths);}