Link to Live Project
ID | As a... | I Want To Be Able To... | So That I Can... |
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- No wireframes were required for this project.
*Intro welcome message with instructions.
PEP8, flake and Black Formatter was used to test and find errors. Only syntax errors were found. Renaming of functions and variables according to PEP8 documentation was carried out and refactored using PyCharm before confirming and copying over to VSCode in Gitpod.
This program was deployed to Heroku, following the below steps:
Push most up-to-date code to Github
Create a list of requirements by typing the following into the terminal: pip3 freeze > requirements.txt
Push the requirements to Github
Logon to Heroku
Select create new app
Add app name
Add app region
Select 'Create app'
Open up the Settings tab, on the top ribbon
In 'Config Vars' select 'Reveal Config Vars'
Add 'PORT' as a key and '8000' as a value
In 'Buildpacks' select 'Add buildpack' and choose python. Then, repeat for nodejs (order is important; python first followed by nodejs)
Navigate to 'Deploy' on the top ribbon
In 'Deployment method', select 'Github', once clicked it should say 'connected'
Enter a repository in Github to connect to and click 'Search'
Once repository has been found, click 'Connect' to link new app to Github repository
In 'Automatic deploys', select the 'Enable Automatic Deploy' option
To view your command line on the Heroku platform, once a new code has been pushed to Github, log on to Heroku
Select the required app that appears on your home screen
Select 'Open app' on the right hand side of the screen
The app should appear in a new tab on the web browser
The link to my Heroku app is:
The following steps can be used to fork the GitHub repository:
- On GitHub navigate to the main page of the repository.
- The 'Fork' button can be found on the top righthand side of the screen.
- Click the button to create a copy of the original repository.
The following steps can be used to clone the GitHub repository:
- On GitHub navigate to the main page of the repository.
- Above the list of files select 'Code'.
- Three options are provided, HTTPS, SSH and GitHub CLI. Select the appropriate option and click the 'Copy' button next to the URL.
- Open Git Bash.
- Change the working directory to the location for the cloned directory.
- Type git clone and paste the copied URL.
- Press 'Enter' to create the clone.
Credit and articles etc that we have copied code from
- Any other credits