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Service that accepts and records highscores - Built with Quarkus, runs on OpenShift


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High Scores API Service

An API service that showcases how Quarkus can make it easy to expose REST endpoints and tie them to MongoDB. This project also shows other benefits we get from Quarkus like hot deploys, active-record like ORM access, service health checks, and easy containerization/deployment on OpenShift.

I initially started designing this API with Apicurito) and exported that as an OpenAPI specification. Then after I coded my app, I now let Quarkus auto-create that specification and swagger-webpage for me on the fly.


Running this Locally

You can try this on you local machine by just starting MongoDB and then starting the API service. The 3 commands below do that.

Start a local mongoDB server with:

mkdir -p ./data/db mongod --dbpath ./data/db

Run the api service in dev mode that enables live coding using:

./mvnw quarkus:dev

Deploying to OpenShift

Deploying from local code to OpenShift

(you will need to specify config for the app to talk to mongodb, you can do that with or with env vars)

(if your dev env is linux, and you want to deploy the native executable, switch the Dockerfile.jvm to Dockerfile.native)

  1. Build things:

    mvn package

    oc new-build --binary --name=highscores-api-service -l app=highscores-api-service

    oc patch bc/highscores-api-service -p "{\"spec\":{\"strategy\":{\"dockerStrategy\":{\"dockerfilePath\":\"src/main/docker/Dockerfile.jvm\"}}}}"

    oc start-build highscores-api-service --from-dir=. --follow

  2. Create OpenShift/Kubernetes resources:

    oc new-app --image-stream=highscores-api-service:latest -e CHECKSUM_SECRET=somethingsecret -e QUICKAUTH_USER=changeme -e QUICKAUTH_PASSWORD=changeme

  3. Expose access to outside of cluster

    oc expose service highscores-api-service

    export HS_URL="http://$(oc get route | grep highscores-api-service | awk '{print $2}')"

    curl $HS_URL && echo

  4. This service won't function until it can store its data into a MongoDB. We can easily deploy one on OpenShift and have OpenShift provide service discovery. And then we configure this app's deployment with the user/password details for connecting to the DB.

    oc new-app -e MONGODB_USER=thisisauser -e MONGODB_PASSWORD=thisis4password -e MONGODB_DATABASE=highscores -e MONGODB_ADMIN_PASSWORD=thisis4password mongo:latest

    oc set env dc/highscores-api-service QUARKUS_MONGODB_CONNECTION_STRING=mongodb://thisisauser:thisis4password@mongodb:27017/highscores

Configuration (env and app properties)

There are several env variables you can (and should) use to configure this at runtime. You can also set these via the file.

  • QUICKAUTH_ENFORCING, to turn on/off basic auth on the POST
  • CHECKSUM_ENFORCING, to turn on/off the checksum on the POST
  • QUARKUS_MONGODB_CONNECTION_STRING, the details of where and how to connect to the database
  • QUICKAUTH_USER, user for basic auth
  • QUICKAUTH_PASSWORD, pass for basic auth
  • CHECKSUM_SECRET, secret using in validating our POST data


I like to use a nice CLI tool called HTTPie. If you have it below are some useful commands.

Testing POST with basic auth turned on

http -a dudash:123456 POST http://localhost:5000/scores score=1000 name=JAS

Testing POST with basic auth and checksums turned on

http -a dudash:123456 POST http://localhost:5000/scores score=1000 name=JAS checksum=d1791337d1e50340bc9b78d2b0d34c2740158d1e

Other Notes

The POST route for scores now has basic auth enabled on it by default

  • So you will need to pass username/password in to POST scores
  • You can disable it with an environment variable (see the file)

The POST route for scores now has a checksum required by default

  • So if you have a legacy client it should be updated
  • You can disable the check with an environment variable (see the file)

There are other ways to deploy this to OpenShift (alternative - deploying from GitHub)

(note: you will need to specify config for the app to talk to mongodb, you can do that with or with env vars)

  1. Build things (it needs a lot of memory):

    oc new-app --name=highscores-api-service -e CHECKSUM_SECRET=somethingsecret -e QUICKAUTH_USER=changeme -e QUICKAUTH_PASSWORD=changeme

    oc patch bc/highscores-api-service -p '{"spec":{"resources":{"limits":{"cpu":"4", "memory":"6Gi"}}}}'

    oc start-build highscores-api-service

    oc logs -f bc/highscores-api-service

  2. Expose access to outside of cluster

    oc expose service highscores-api-service

    export HS_URL="http://$(oc get route | grep highscores-api-service | awk '{print $2}')"

    curl $HS_URL && echo

  3. This service won't function until it can store its data into a MongoDB. We can easily deploy one on OpenShift and have OpenShift provide service discovery. And then we configure this app's deployment with the user/password details for connecting to the DB.

    oc new-app -e MONGODB_USER=thisisauser -e MONGODB_PASSWORD=thisis4password -e MONGODB_DATABASE=highscores -e MONGODB_ADMIN_PASSWORD=thisis4password mongo:latest

    oc set env deployment/highscores-api-service QUARKUS_MONGODB_CONNECTION_STRING=mongodb://thisisauser:thisis4password@mongodb:27017/highscores

Thanks and Credit

This service was built based on guidance from the Quarkus example here.


Service that accepts and records highscores - Built with Quarkus, runs on OpenShift







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