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CmdrJane edited this page Dec 26, 2023 · 8 revisions

This is list of all registered by mod commands:

/taw reload - reloads configuration, use after any changes made to mod configuration through config files or other commands

/taw enable-debug <true/false> - enables debug mod, this allows all players to use debug commands on server. By default those command may be used only by operators

/taw get-current-world-id - returns the world id of dimension you are currently in

/taw set-cycle-length <world-id> <day-duration> <night-duration> - sets day/night cycle length for specified world

/taw remove-cycle-entry <world-id> - removes day/night cycle data for specified world

/taw switch-system-time-sync <true/false> - enables/disables synchronization with real time

/taw switch-sys-time-per-dimension <true/false> - enables/disables real time sync configuration per each dimension

/taw set-system-time-properties <world-id> <sunrise hour> <sunset hour> <UTC Timezone> - sets real time sync configuration for specified world

/taw set-global-sys-time-properties <sunrise hour> <sunset hour> <UTC Timezone> - sets global config for real time sync

/taw parse-worlds-ids - will dump all registered dimension identifiers in taw-worlds-ids.json located in your root version folder

/taw get-ambient-darkness - debug command. Returns ambient darkness level

/taw get-light-level - debug command. Returns light level

/taw time-ticker-values - debug command. Will print current time cycle setting for current world

/taw system-time - will print formatted server time

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