Parts of the code to be open source.
Machine learning aided catalysis reaction free energy calculation and post-analysis workflow, thus, analyzer for catalysis.
As is known to all, cat is fluid and thus cat flows. 🐱
Former Miko-Analyzer and Miko-Tasker This repository is a temporary branch of original CatFlow. It would be merged into main repo after active refactor.
To install, clone the repository:
git clone
and then install with pip
cd catflow
pip install .
This project is inspired by and built upon the following projects:
- ai2-kit: A toolkit featured artificial intelligence × ab initio for computational chemistry research.
- DP-GEN: A concurrent learning platform for the generation of reliable deep learning based potential energy models.
- ASE: Atomic Simulation Environment.
- DPDispatcher: Generate and submit HPC jobs.
- Metadynminer: Reading, analysis and visualization of metadynamics HILLS files produced by Plumed. As well as its Python implementation
- stringmethod: Python implementation of the string method to compute the minimum energy path.
A simple workflow designed for free energy calculation from Potential of Mean Force (PMF).
First, prepare a yaml file for workflow settings in detial. For example, config.yaml
work_path: "/some/place"
machine_name: "machine_name"
number_node: 1
cpu_per_node: 1
gpu_per_node: 1
queue_name: gpu
group_size: 1
- ...
command: "cp2k.ssmp -i input.inp"
reaction_pair: [0, 1] # select indexes of atoms who would be constrained
steps: 10000000 # MD steps
timestep: 0.5 # unit: fs
restart_steps: 10000000 # extra steps run in each restart
dump_freq: 100 # dump frequency
cell: [24.0, 24.0, 24.0] # set box size for initial structure
type_map: # should be unified with DeePMD potential
O: 0
Pt: 1
model_path: "/place/of/your/graph.pb"
- ...
coordinates: ... # a list of coordinations to be constrained at
t_min: 300.0 # under limit of simulation temperature
- Pt # select elements of cluster
lindemann_n_last_frames: 20000 # use last 20000 steps to judge convergence by calculate Lindemann index
- coordinate: 1.4
structure_path: "/place/of/your/"
- coordinate: 3.8
structure_path: "/place/of/your/initial_structure.cif"
job_type: "dp_pmf" # dp_pmf when using DeePMD
Then, just type command like this:
catflow tasker pmf config.yaml
And enjoy it!