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Merge pull request #1893 from CliMA/ck/fix_benchmark_script
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Fix and update benchmark script
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charleskawczynski authored Jul 22, 2024
2 parents e7b2c9b + f940c2c commit ef82fe7
Showing 1 changed file with 101 additions and 34 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
julia --project=.buildkite
using Revise; include(joinpath("benchmarks", "scripts", "linear_vs_cartesian_indexing.jl"))
using Revise; include(joinpath("benchmarks", "scripts", "indexing_and_static_ndranges.jl"))
# Info:
This script compares two things:
- linear vs cartesian indexing
- impact of static vs dynamic NDRanges (
Linear indexing, when possible, has performance advantages
over using Cartesian indexing. Julia Base's Broadcast only
supports Cartesian indexing as it provides more general support
Expand All @@ -13,6 +17,18 @@ This script (re-)defines some broadcast machinery and tests
the performance of vector vs array operations in a broadcast
setting where linear indexing is allowed.
# Summary:
- On the CPU:
static NDRanges do not play an important role,
but linear indexing is 2x faster than cartesian
- On the GPU:
static NDRanges DO play an important role,
but we could (alternatively) see an improvement
by using linear indexing. Supporting StaticNDRanges
also impacts non-pointwise kernels, and yields
nearly the same benefit as linear indexing.
# References:
Expand All @@ -23,27 +39,43 @@ setting where linear indexing is allowed.
Local Apple M1 Mac (CPU):
at_dot_call!($X_array, $Y_array):
146 milliseconds, 558 microseconds
143 milliseconds, 774 microseconds
at_dot_call!($X_vector, $Y_vector):
65 milliseconds, 531 microseconds
custom_kernel_bc!($X_vector, $Y_vector, $(Val(length(X_vector.x1))); printtb = false):
66 milliseconds, 735 microseconds
custom_kernel_bc!($X_array, $Y_array, $(Val(length(X_vector.x1))); printtb = false, use_pw = false):
145 milliseconds, 957 microseconds
custom_kernel_bc!($X_array, $Y_array, $(Val(length(X_vector.x1))); printtb = false, use_pw = true):
66 milliseconds, 320 microseconds
65 milliseconds, 567 microseconds
custom_kernel_bc!($X_vector, $Y_vector, $us; printtb = false):
66 milliseconds, 870 microseconds
custom_kernel_bc!($X_array, $Y_array, $us; printtb = false, use_pw = false):
143 milliseconds, 643 microseconds
custom_kernel_bc!($X_array, $Y_array, $us; printtb = false, use_pw = true):
65 milliseconds, 778 microseconds
custom_kernel_bc!($X_vector, $Y_vector, $uss; printtb = false):
65 milliseconds, 765 microseconds
custom_kernel_bc!($X_array, $Y_array, $uss; printtb = false, use_pw = false):
144 milliseconds, 271 microseconds
custom_kernel_bc!($X_array, $Y_array, $uss; printtb = false, use_pw = true):
66 milliseconds, 376 microseconds
Clima A100
at_dot_call!($X_array, $Y_array):
6 milliseconds, 775 microseconds
at_dot_call!($X_vector, $Y_vector):
2 milliseconds, 848 microseconds
custom_kernel_bc!($X_vector, $Y_vector, $(Val(length(X_vector.x1))); printtb = false):
2 milliseconds, 537 microseconds
custom_kernel_bc!($X_array, $Y_array, $(Val(length(X_vector.x1))); printtb = false, use_pw = false):
8 milliseconds, 804 microseconds
custom_kernel_bc!($X_array, $Y_array, $(Val(length(X_vector.x1))); printtb = false, use_pw = true):
2 milliseconds, 545 microseconds
2 milliseconds, 834 microseconds
custom_sol_kernel!($X_vector, $Y_vector, $(Val(N))):
2 milliseconds, 547 microseconds
custom_kernel_bc!($X_vector, $Y_vector, $us; printtb = false):
2 milliseconds, 561 microseconds
custom_kernel_bc!($X_array, $Y_array, $us; printtb = false, use_pw = false):
4 milliseconds, 160 microseconds
custom_kernel_bc!($X_array, $Y_array, $us; printtb = false, use_pw = true):
2 milliseconds, 584 microseconds
custom_kernel_bc!($X_vector, $Y_vector, $uss; printtb = false):
2 milliseconds, 540 microseconds
custom_kernel_bc!($X_array, $Y_array, $uss; printtb = false, use_pw = false):
2 milliseconds, 715 microseconds
custom_kernel_bc!($X_array, $Y_array, $uss; printtb = false, use_pw = true):
2 milliseconds, 547 microseconds

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -239,7 +271,7 @@ function at_dot_call!(X, Y)
return nothing

function custom_kernel!(X, Y, ::Val{N}) where {N}
function custom_sol_kernel!(X, Y, ::Val{N}) where {N}
(; x1, x2, x3) = X
(; y1) = Y
kernel = CUDA.@cuda always_inline = true launch = false custom_kernel_knl!(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -267,7 +299,27 @@ function custom_kernel_knl!(y1, x1, x2, x3, ::Val{N}) where {N}
return nothing

function custom_kernel_bc!(X, Y, ::Val{N}; printtb=true, use_pw=true) where {N}
abstract type AbstractUniversalSizes{Nv, Nij} end
struct UniversalSizesCC{Nv, Nij} <: AbstractUniversalSizes{Nv, Nij}
struct UniversalSizesStatic{Nv, Nij, Nh} <: AbstractUniversalSizes{Nv, Nij} end

get_Nv(::AbstractUniversalSizes{Nv}) where {Nv} = Nv
get_Nij(::AbstractUniversalSizes{Nv, Nij}) where {Nv, Nij} = Nij
get_Nh(us::UniversalSizesCC) = us.Nh
get_Nh(::UniversalSizesStatic{Nv, Nij, Nh}) where {Nv, Nij, Nh} = Nh
get_N(us::AbstractUniversalSizes{Nv, Nij}) where {Nv, Nij} = prod((Nv,Nij,Nij,1,get_Nh(us)))
UniversalSizesCC(Nv, Nij, Nh) = UniversalSizesCC{Nv, Nij}(Nh)
UniversalSizesStatic(Nv, Nij, Nh) = UniversalSizesStatic{Nv, Nij, Nh}()
using Test
us_tup = (1, 2, 3)
@test get_Nv(UniversalSizesCC(us_tup...)) == get_Nv(UniversalSizesStatic(us_tup...))
@test get_Nij(UniversalSizesCC(us_tup...)) == get_Nij(UniversalSizesStatic(us_tup...))
@test get_Nh(UniversalSizesCC(us_tup...)) == get_Nh(UniversalSizesStatic(us_tup...))
@test get_N(UniversalSizesCC(us_tup...)) == get_N(UniversalSizesStatic(us_tup...))

function custom_kernel_bc!(X, Y, us::AbstractUniversalSizes; printtb=true, use_pw=true)
(; x1, x2, x3) = X
(; y1) = Y
bc_base = @lazy @. y1 = myadd(x1, x2, x3)
Expand All @@ -281,7 +333,7 @@ function custom_kernel_bc!(X, Y, ::Val{N}; printtb=true, use_pw=true) where {N}
for i in 1:100 # reduce variance / impact of launch latency
@inbounds @simd for j in 1:N
@inbounds @simd for j in 1:get_N(us)
y1[j] = bc[j]
Expand All @@ -291,28 +343,28 @@ function custom_kernel_bc!(X, Y, ::Val{N}; printtb=true, use_pw=true) where {N}
CUDA.@cuda always_inline = true launch = false custom_kernel_knl_bc!(
config = CUDA.launch_configuration(
threads = min(N, config.threads)
blocks = cld(N, threads)
printtb && @show blocks, threads
for i in 1:100 # reduce variance / impact of launch latency
kernel(y1, bc, Val(N); threads, blocks)
kernel(y1, bc,us; threads, blocks)
return nothing
@inline get_cart_lin_index(bc, n, I) = I
@inline get_cart_lin_index(bc::Base.Broadcast.Broadcasted, n, I) =
CartesianIndices(map(x -> Base.OneTo(x), n))[I]
function custom_kernel_knl_bc!(y1, bc, ::Val{N}) where {N}
function custom_kernel_knl_bc!(y1, bc, us)
@inbounds begin
I = (CUDA.blockIdx().x - Int32(1)) * CUDA.blockDim().x + CUDA.threadIdx().x
n = size(y1)
if 1 I N
ind = get_cart_lin_index(bc, n, I)
y1[ind] = bc[ind]
if 1 I get_N(us)
n = (get_Nv(us), get_Nij(us), get_Nij(us), 1, get_Nh(us))
ci = get_cart_lin_index(bc, n, I)
y1[ci] = bc[ci]
return nothing
Expand All @@ -327,16 +379,31 @@ X_vector = to_vec(X_array);
Y_vector = to_vec(Y_array);
at_dot_call!(X_array, Y_array)
at_dot_call!(X_vector, Y_vector)
# custom_kernel!(X_vector, Y_vector, Val(length(X_vector.x1)))
custom_kernel_bc!(X_vector, Y_vector, Val(length(X_vector.x1)))
custom_kernel_bc!(X_array, Y_array, Val(length(X_vector.x1)); use_pw=false)
custom_kernel_bc!(X_array, Y_array, Val(length(X_vector.x1)); use_pw=true)
N = length(X_vector.x1)
(Nv, Nij, _, Nf, Nh) = size(Y_array.y1);
us = UniversalSizesCC(Nv, Nij, Nh);
uss = UniversalSizesStatic(Nv, Nij, Nh);
@test get_N(us) == N
@test get_N(uss) == N
iscpu = ArrayType === identity
iscpu || custom_sol_kernel!(X_vector, Y_vector, Val(N))
custom_kernel_bc!(X_vector, Y_vector, us)
custom_kernel_bc!(X_array, Y_array, us; use_pw=false)
custom_kernel_bc!(X_array, Y_array, us; use_pw=true)

custom_kernel_bc!(X_vector, Y_vector, uss)
custom_kernel_bc!(X_array, Y_array, uss; use_pw=false)
custom_kernel_bc!(X_array, Y_array, uss; use_pw=true)

@pretty_belapsed at_dot_call!($X_array, $Y_array) # slow
@pretty_belapsed at_dot_call!($X_vector, $Y_vector) # fast
# @pretty_belapsed custom_kernel!($X_vector, $Y_vector, $(Val(length(X_vector.x1))))
@pretty_belapsed custom_kernel_bc!($X_vector, $Y_vector, $(Val(length(X_vector.x1)));printtb=false)
@pretty_belapsed custom_kernel_bc!($X_array, $Y_array, $(Val(length(X_vector.x1)));printtb=false, use_pw=false)
@pretty_belapsed custom_kernel_bc!($X_array, $Y_array, $(Val(length(X_vector.x1)));printtb=false, use_pw=true)
iscpu || @pretty_belapsed custom_sol_kernel!($X_vector, $Y_vector, $(Val(N)))
@pretty_belapsed custom_kernel_bc!($X_vector, $Y_vector, $us; printtb=false)
@pretty_belapsed custom_kernel_bc!($X_array, $Y_array, $us; printtb=false, use_pw=false)
@pretty_belapsed custom_kernel_bc!($X_array, $Y_array, $us; printtb=false, use_pw=true)

@pretty_belapsed custom_kernel_bc!($X_vector, $Y_vector, $uss; printtb=false)
@pretty_belapsed custom_kernel_bc!($X_array, $Y_array, $uss; printtb=false, use_pw=false)
@pretty_belapsed custom_kernel_bc!($X_array, $Y_array, $uss; printtb=false, use_pw=true)

#! format: on

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