This repository contains the front-end and back-end of a full-stack marketplace application. The application is built using React for the front-end and Node.js with Express for the back-end. Below you will find information about the packages and scripts used in each part of the application.
- React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- React Router: A routing library for React applications.
- Redux: A predictable state container for JavaScript applications.
- Axios: A promise-based HTTP client for making API requests.
- React Icons: A library that provides popular icon packs for React applications.
- React Slick: A carousel component for React.
- Web Vitals: A library for measuring web performance metrics.
- Node.js: A JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
- Express: A fast and minimalist web application framework for Node.js.
- Sequelize: A promise-based ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) for Node.js.
- PostgreSQL: A powerful, open-source relational database system.
- Firebase: A comprehensive development platform for building web and mobile applications.
- Bcrypt: A library for hashing and salting passwords.
- Helmet: A set of middleware functions to secure Express applications.
- Morgan: A HTTP request logger middleware for Node.js.
- Dotenv: A module to load environment variables from a .env file.
- Multer: A middleware for handling multipart/form-data, used for file uploads.
- Express Rate Limit: A middleware for rate-limiting HTTP requests.
- Express Validator: A set of express.js middlewares for request validation.
To start using the full-stack marketplace application, follow these steps:
# Install locally
$ git clone [email protected]:CinArb2/full-stack-marketplace-app.git
# Install dependencies
$ cd ~/full-stack-marketplace-app
$ pnpm install:app
To run the app locally, you will need to create a .env file in the server app of this repo that contains the following:
Also create another .env file on the client app with the following information:
You can start both, the front end and the backend of this apps at the same time or independetly from the root of the project:
# Start front end and backend
pnpm start:app
# Start front end
pnpm start:client
# Start backend
pnpm start:server
That's it! You now have the full-stack marketplace application up and running on your local machine. Feel free to explore the features and customize it according to your needs.