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The battle is part of the Empire of Code project. The same code is being used for battle calculations.

How to run the battle?

In order to run the battle you should follow these steps:

  • Install checkio-client

    pip3 install checkio-client GitPython aiohttp docker pip3 install git+

  • Configure it for the epy domain (In case you are asked about the "key", just put a random number. It’s not important at this stage.)

    checkio --domain epy config

  • The next step is to build the battle using checkio client. In order for you to do so, you’ll need to have a docker installed.

    checkio eoc-get-git /path/to/battle/folder battle

You can also use the github path.

checkio eoc-get-git battle
  • The last step is to actually run the battle. Running it requires the battle configuration file. It describes what kinds of troops and buildings are there on the battlefield right now and the source code they are using to run the battle. The configuration file is .py file with dict PLAYERS in it.

    checkio eoc-battle battle /path/to/config/file/

Or you can use a generated default battle file in your solutions folder.

checkio eoc-battle battle


The battle configuration file contains information about the units and buildings on the battlefield. For example, it says that we have a level 5 Sentry Gun on the battlefield. But in order to run the battle we need to know the stats of level 5, how many hit-points it has, and so on.

Information about all the stats of all buildings, units, modules, etc. we call the balance and it’s being included into the battle docker image during your battle building process by using the repository - . The same repository is being used by the Empire of Code.

If the balance changes, you need to rebuild your battle using the checkio eoc-get-git ...command.

But the other option here is to link the balance folder during the run process.

checkio eoc-battle --balance /path/to/eoc-balance/ battle /path/to/

Folder Structure

  • interfaces - is responsible for showing the battle results.
  • interfaces/checkio_cli - is showing the battle results for checkio-client.
  • verification - is in charge of running the battle.
  • envs - is being used to run that source code that some of the buildings have for different interpreters.
  • envs/python_3/ - is the script that runs user’s code.
  • envs/python_3/battle - is the battle module that can be imported into the user’s source-code in order to send commands to the referee.
  • verification/src - is storing the referee and here occur all of the verification processes.
  • verification/src/ - is the module from which the verification process begins.
  • verification/src/ - is the file that’s used for the network protocol.
  • verification/src/ - is the main handler which is being used by the referee to control the battle.
  • verification/src/ - are the items that are participating in the battle. The Flagman, Unit, CoommandCenter - those are the Items on the battlefield.
  • verification/src/ - is the module that’s responsible for logging moves during the course of the battle and sending out the results.
  • verification/src/ - is the module that’s sending events and subscribing different items to them.
  • verification/src/ - is for the subitems generated by the items during the battle. For example, the rocket is a subitem of RocketTower.
  • verification/src/ - is for the modules that can be used by items.
  • verification/src/actions/ - is for the actions module for the items that can be controlled by code.

A step-by-step on the verification process when running a battle (the referee)

Let's take the following battle config as an example.

from battle import commander
craft_client = commander.CraftClient()
def unit_landed(data):
    unit_client = commander.UnitClient(data['id'])
    #unit_client.do_teleport([30, 24])
    def search_and_destroy(data=None):
        enemy = unit_client.ask_nearest_enemy()
DEF_CODE_01 = """
from battle import commander
tower_client = commander.Client()
def search_next_target(data, **kwargs):
    enemies = tower_client.ask_enemy_items_in_my_firing_range()
    if enemies:
def unit_in_firing_range(data, **kwargs):
PLAYERS = {'codes':{
    '0': {
      '': DEF_CODE_01,
    '1': {
 'is_stream': True,
 'map_elements': [{'level': 1,
                   'player_id': 0,
                   'status': 'idle',
                   'tile_position': [20, 18],
                   'type': 'commandCenter'},
                  {'code': '',
                   'level': 5,
                   'player_id': 0,
                   'status': 'idle',
                   'tile_position': [21, 23],
                   'type': 'sentryGun'},
                  {'code': '',
                   'level': 5,
                   'player_id': 0,
                   'status': 'idle',
                   'tile_position': [25, 23],
                   'modules': [
                   'type': 'sentryGun'},
                  {'level': 2,
                   'player_id': 0,
                   'status': 'idle',
                   'tile_position': [25, 19],
                   'type': 'crystaliteFarm'},
                  {'code': '',
                   'craft_id': 1,
                   'level': 1,
                   'player_id': 1,
                   'type': 'craft',
                   'modules': [],
                   'unit': {'level': 3,
                            'type': 'infantryBot'},
                   'unit_quantity': 3},
                  {'code': '',
                   'craft_id': 2,
                   'level': 1,
                   'player_id': 1,
                   'type': 'craft',
                   'unit': {'level': 1,
                            'type': 'heavyBot'},
                   'unit_quantity': 1},
                  {'code': '',
                   'craft_id': 3,
                   'level': 1,
                   'player_id': 1,
                   'type': 'craft',
                   'unit': {'level': 3,
                            'type': 'rocketBot'},
                   'unit_quantity': 2},
 'map_size': [40, 40],
 'players': [{'defeat': ['center'], 'env_name': 'python_3', 'id': 0},
             {'defeat': ['units', 'time'], 'env_name': 'python_3', 'id': 1}],
 'rewards': {'adamantite': 400, 'crystalite': 150},
 'time_limit': 30}

One important key I’d like to point out right away is the "is_stream" key. Its being used for the checkio-client and if it’s True, then you’ll see the results in real time, if - False, all the results will be saved in one file.

(The running process of any mission for EoC (including the Battle) starts with the launch of two containers. One of them is for the referee and the other is for the interface.)

interfaces/checkio_cli/src/ FightHandler receives a source code of your config file, extracts dicts PLAYERS from it and passes it to the referee using its API.

verification/src/ Referee is the main referee class, which also includes handlers. In our case we have only once handler - battle (for the ordinary mission we have two handlers: "run" and "check").

verification/src/ FightHandler is the main handler for the battle. Here you can find all of the information about the current battle. The battle starts with the FightHandler.start method.

The main goal of the start method is to generate dict self.fighters { FightItem} and launch all generated FightItems.

verification/src/ FightItem.start is for the executable Items (which simply means that those Items have code). It launches the code using BattleEnvironmentsController and is being stored in self._env

verification/src/ BattleEnvironmentsController is responsible for reading stdin and stdout from the client’s code, sending commands to the client and receiving them from it.

verification/src/ FightItem.handle_result FightItem.starts starts an endless loop of receiving commands from the client’s code and using it in this function.

verification/src/ FightItem.init_handlers Client can send only 3 kinds of commands:

  • set_action - sets a command for a unit. For example, 'attack' - the command that will be set for a unit, and the unit will do everything to carry out the attack (move in the direction of a target, charge and fire). Action is usually something that takes several frames (the minimal estimated amounts of time) to finish.
  • command - sends a specific command to a unit. Command is something that’s being executed right away and in the current frame.
  • subscribe - subscribes to a specific event in the FightHandler.

verification/src/actions/ ItemActions is responsible for actions and commands. When FightItem initiates it also creates an object self._actions_handlers, and for different types of FightItems we’re creating different classes based on the ItemActions. All the available classes are listed in verification/src/actions/

The actions and commands are working in pretty much the same way. The only difference between the action and command is that the result of parsing the action will be saved to an attribute self.action for FightItem, and when the same object of ItemActions will be processing the data from self.action during the frame calculation, its result will be stored in self._state of FightItem and later shown to a user in order to animate a unit (or a building).

Subscription. Since we’ve covered the first two, let's describe subscriptions as well.

verification/src/ FightHandler.subscribe(event_name, item_id, lookup_key, data) is responsible for subscription. lookup_key is a unique key for the client. This key is needed to recognize an event on the client side when it’s raised.

verification/src/ FightEvent is assigned to FightHandler through the attribute self.event. Function setup configures all the available event types. Function add_checker has 3 arguments: event_name - is a unique name of the event, checker - is a function that checks whether the given FightItem is ready to receive an event using given event_data, and data - is a function that generates data for the raised event. All the events are being checked at the end of the frame calculation.

One important thing that you need to know is that very time when the system sends an event data it also sends the information about the map, units on it, and the detailed information about the receiver.

verification/src/ FightHandler.compute_frame - when the battle is started, FightHandler also starts the frames calculation by periodically calling the compute_frame function. It goes through all the available fighters and executes their current action. It also goes through all waiting events. As the last step system tries to figure out whether we already have a winner.

Step-by-step on running a battle using client-code.

As you can see in our example we have 2 defence buildings with the same code.

{'code': '',
'level': 5,
'player_id': 0,
'status': 'idle',
'tile_position': [21, 23],
'type': 'sentryGun'},


{'code': '',
'level': 5,
'player_id': 0,
'status': 'idle',
'tile_position': [25, 23],
'modules': [
'type': 'sentryGun'},

Both of them have the same code And we have three crafts (attackers).

{'code': '',
'craft_id': 1,
'level': 1,
'player_id': 1,
'type': 'craft',
'modules': [],
'unit': {'level': 3,
        'type': 'infantryBot'},
'unit_quantity': 3},
{'code': '',
'craft_id': 2,
'level': 1,
'player_id': 1,
'type': 'craft',
'unit': {'level': 1,
        'type': 'heavyBot'},
'unit_quantity': 1},
{'code': '',
'craft_id': 3,
'level': 1,
'player_id': 1,
'type': 'craft',
'unit': {'level': 3,
        'type': 'rocketBot'},
'unit_quantity': 2},

All of the crafts has the same code

The actual source code of those scrips can be found in the key "codes". All the player’s strategies are listed in the dict "codes", and it doesn’t matter whether those strategies are being used at the moment or not, because one strategy can import any other strategies.

Let's start with a defence source code.

from battle import commander
tower_client = commander.Client()
def search_next_target(data, **kwargs):
    enemies = tower_client.ask_enemy_items_in_my_firing_range()
    if enemies:
def unit_in_firing_range(data, **kwargs):

verification/envs/python_3/ is a script used to launch a Python client code.

verification/envs/python_3/battle/ is a module that is used in a strategy.

verification/envs/python_3/battle/ Client is a base class that is used in the user’s code. It contains all of the commands that can be used.

verification/envs/python_3/battle/ PlayerRefereeClient Client has an attribute self.CLIENT - it’s an object of PlayerRefereeClient. This object is used for sending and receiving commands from the referee.

(One important point about the dialog between the client and referee - Every request should have a response.)

As you can see PlayerRefereeClient has all of the commands we’ve described in the section about the referee: set_action, send_command, and subscribe. Those methods are translated into the Client object with methods "do", "command" and "when". (Why have they been renamed? I don't know, but I'm sure there's a reason for that.)

On top of that Client has a set of methods that starts with ask_ . Those methods are used for the extraction of specific information from env_data and my_data (the information that is passed to the script after every event and run).

Client also has two methods: set_opts and get_opt. When a user assigns a strategy to a craft or a building, the extra options can be added. That allows users to customize their strategies by simply using the extra options.

Now the defence source code looks pretty straight forward. At the very beginning we subscribe to "when_enemy_in_range", then attack the enemy by it's ID, and after that subscribe to an "idle" event.

Crafts and defPlatform.

Every building with code starts as a separate client verification/envs/python_3/, but some buildings can generate units and those units can have their own commands and events. The system doesn't use an individual script for each unit, it uses the same one. It allows you to control your units as a group.

Let's check the craft code.

from battle import commander
craft_client = commander.CraftClient()
def unit_landed(data):
    unit_client = commander.UnitClient(data['id'])
    def search_and_destroy(data=None):
        enemy = unit_client.ask_nearest_enemy()

It uses two clients: CraftClient and UnitClient. Since both of them have one script, they will share one self.CLIENT.


  • battle - one execution of the referee.
  • player - a group of units and buildings can be controlled by a player. Usually two players can be in the battle
  • interface - the scripts responsible for a visualisation process of running the referee.
  • referee - the main script for controlling the battle and its verification.
  • executable item - a FightItem that has a code assigned to it.
  • frame - is the minimal estimated amount of time, just like a move, but computed in real time.
  • battle configuration file -a .py file with PLAYERS dict in it. The dict contains all the information about the battle. This script is used by the interface in order to launch a battle.


Battle for Code-Empire






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