PyAltmetric provides an easy python wrapper for the Altmetric API.
Typical usage often looks like this:
from pyaltmetric import Altmetric
Create an Altmetric object:
altmetric_object = Altmetric()
Creating an Altmetric object caches api version number and key. The object is then used to make calls to the Altmetric API. From here you can easily create article objects filled with Altmetric information simply by giving an id for the article you want information on:
article1 = altmetric_object.article_from_doi("doi_of_article")
There are various id's to choose from including: bibcode, pmid, and arxiv id.
After you have an article you can easily extract altmetric information using the built in attributes such as:
If you want to gather multiple article metrics at once you can use the articles_from_timeframe method. This will give you articles with internet mentions within a given time period (past 3 days, past month, ect):
articles = altmetric_object.articles_from_timeframe("1 day")
It returns an article gerator that is easily iterable.
If you already have a json from the Altmetric API you can create articles directly.
First you need to import article:
from pyaltmetric import Article
Then you can simply create articles. There are three ways to do so.
Supplying a properly constructed dictionary stright into the constructor:
article2 = Article(json_dict)
Supplying the filename of a properly formatted json and using the class method from_json_file:
article3 = Article.from_json_file(file)
Supplying an alreay open file of properly formatted json and using the class method from_json_file:
article3 = Article.from_json_file("filename.json")