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Migrate Rose from Consensus to Sapphire, dApp using Wagmi & Oasis

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to-Oasis-With-Ethereum (SIOWE)

Uses Sign-In-With-Ethereum (SIWE) to derive an Oasis Staking keypair.

This allows for ROSE to be received from oasis1... addresses at the consensus level then transferred to Sapphire without installing the Oasis extension or the Oasis Web Wallet.


SIWE Key Derivation

secret = SHA512(SIWE(eip4361Message))

This requires ECDSA (RFC-6979) signing to be deterministic to derive the same key every time, additionally the Nonce & IssuedAt dates are hard-coded, essentially everybody is signing the same message to derive 128 bytes of entropy in a way which can only be generated by the keyholder.

def SIWE(msg):
    h = SHA256(msg)
    k = HMAC256(privateKey, h)
    R = k*G
    r = R.x
    return dict(r=r, s=k^-1 * (h + (r*privateKey)))

The signature can then be used as seed for a key-pair, or used as the root of a BIP32 HD wallet. Because logging in with the same Ethereum account via Sign-In-With-Ethereum works consistently across different devices, wallets and libraries you will login to the same account every time you access the dApp with that wallet.

ChatGPT Notes on mapping

Sure, let's break down the process of mapping HMAC(privateKey, SHA256(msg)) into a 512-bit domain via ECDSA, and examine its cryptographic and algebraic properties.

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Message Hashing:

    • Compute the SHA-256 hash of the message msg:
      • hash=SHA-256(msg)
    • The result is a 256-bit hash value.
  2. HMAC with Private Key:

    • Compute the HMAC of the hash using a private key:
      • hmac_output=HMAC(privateKey,hash)
    • HMAC is a keyed hash function that produces a 256-bit output when using SHA-256.
  3. ECDSA Signature Generation:

    • Use the HMAC output as the message to sign with ECDSA:
      • signature=ECDSA_sign(privateKey,hmac_output)
    • The ECDSA signature typically consists of two components, r and s, each of which is a 256-bit integer.
  4. Mapping to 512-bit Domain:

    • Concatenate r and s to form a 512-bit value:
      • mapped_output=r∥s

Cryptographic Properties

  1. HMAC Properties:

    • Keyed Hash: HMAC uses a private key and a hash function, ensuring that the output is only computable by someone who knows the private key.
    • Collision Resistance: HMAC inherits the collision resistance of the underlying hash function (SHA-256), making it infeasible to find two different inputs that produce the same HMAC output.
    • Message Authentication: HMAC provides integrity and authenticity, ensuring that the message hash has not been tampered with.
  2. ECDSA Properties:

    • Digital Signature: ECDSA provides a way to sign data such that the signature can be verified using the corresponding public key.
    • Security Assumptions: ECDSA security is based on the difficulty of the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP).
    • Deterministic Signature: If deterministic signing (RFC 6979) is used, ECDSA will produce the same signature for the same message and key, removing the need for a random nonce.
  3. Mapping Properties:

    • 512-bit Output: By concatenating the r and s values of the ECDSA signature, we map the HMAC output into a 512-bit domain.
    • Unique Mapping: Given the same private key and message, the process will always produce the same 512-bit output due to the deterministic nature of HMAC and ECDSA.

Algebraic Properties

  1. Elliptic Curve Operations:

    • The ECDSA signature generation involves elliptic curve point multiplications and modular arithmetic.
    • r is derived from the x-coordinate of a point on the elliptic curve, while s is computed using modular inverses and the private key.
  2. Deterministic Mapping:

    • The process is deterministic due to the use of HMAC and deterministic ECDSA (if applicable). This means the same inputs will always yield the same output.
  3. Concatenation:

    • The concatenation of r and s to form a 512-bit value is a simple algebraic operation that preserves the uniqueness of the ECDSA signature components.

Security Considerations

  1. Key Management:

    • The private key used in HMAC and ECDSA must be securely managed and protected. Compromise of the private key would compromise the entire process.
  2. Hash Function Strength:

    • The security of the scheme depends on the cryptographic strength of SHA-256. Any weaknesses in SHA-256 would affect the overall security.
  3. HMAC Integrity:

    • HMAC provides strong integrity guarantees. However, the choice of the private key and proper implementation are crucial for maintaining these guarantees.
  4. ECDSA Implementation:

    • Proper implementation of ECDSA is essential to avoid vulnerabilities like weak random number generation (if non-deterministic ECDSA is used) and side-channel attacks.

By carefully considering these cryptographic and algebraic properties and ensuring secure implementation practices, the process of mapping HMAC(privateKey, SHA256(msg)) into a 512-bit domain via ECDSA can provide robust security guarantees.


Migrate Rose from Consensus to Sapphire, dApp using Wagmi & Oasis




