Built with nodejs+typescript+prisma containerized with docker
- Attributes: id (Primary Key), name, email, password.
- Attributes: id (Primary Key), name, actual_price, image, brand_id (Foreign Key), category_id (Foreign Key).
- Attributes: id (Primary Key), product_id (Foreign Key), price.
- Attributes: id (Primary Key), name.
- Attributes: id (Primary Key), title, description, instructions.
- Attributes: id (Primary Key), recipe_id (Foreign Key), product_id (Foreign Key), quantity, unit.
- Attributes: id (Primary Key), name.
- Attributes: id (Primary Key), pantry_id (Foreign Key), product_id (Foreign Key), quantity, unit, expire_date.
- Attributes: id (Primary Key), user_id (Foreign Key).
- Create ORM DB Structure using Prisma: </https://www.prisma.io/docs/orm>
- VSCode Extension: Prisma
- Makefile: </https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html>
- TypeScript: </https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/intro.html>
- Create ts schema validations Using Zod: </https://zod.dev>